Dallas Cowboys pre-season outreach

On Saturday night I had theĀ privilegeĀ of going out to an outreach at the Dallas Cowboys pre-season game with a group of about30 students of the School of Discipleship and some staff from Gospel of Asia. We parked east of the stadium and walked to the game. The Texas Rangers game was ending as we walked down to the Cowboys stadium. Therefore we were able to hand out tracts to the people leaving the Rangers game as well.

I don’t think that I have ever been to an outreach where I felt like I was in danger of running out of tracts, before the outreach ever began. But honestly that was the feeling while we were standing at the Rangers stadium handing out the tracts. In fact one of the five of our groups never made it to the Cowboys stadium because of handing out all of their tracts at the baseball game.

Our group made it down to the Cowboys stadium and handed out tracts there. We had a couple of one on one conversations with people.

There were at least three people in the School of Discipleship group that had “never done anything like this before”. All three were encouraged and said it was less scary than they thought it would be.

We ended the evening with some great fellowship at Whataburger!

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