Bezeugen Tract Club – August 2023

I typed “why do games have rules” into the search of my Brave browser. The AI powered summarizer comes up with the following:

For kids we have included the “Play by the Rules” Gospel tract. Many children will be starting soccer or football practice this time of year. These tracts are an easy way to convey to them that we must play by the rules in order to compete fairly and have a determined outcome.

As adults we think more of rules in the work place like “show up to work on time” or “complete your time sheet”. Or laws that govern the speed limit. In Texas alone in 2023 the legislature proposed 800-1000 new bills. Some died in committee, but some have become new laws. The strange thing is that many of us don’t even know what these laws are and hence we might even be braking them.

God started with one rule “of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:17). He then expanded to the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and the Jews expanded that to 613 laws. Some Jews today still try to practice those laws, even though it is impossible to keep even one of the Ten Commandments. These laws were never meant to save us. They are a mirror to show us our sin and hence our need for a savior—the Savior – Jesus Christ.

Included in this months mailing is the Ten Commandments tract. You can start by asking “did you get one of these?” When they ask what it is tell them “it is a Gospel tract with the Ten Commandments” on it. Then follow up asking if they know any of the Ten Commandments and finally if they think they have kept them. Using this “mirror” God will show them their sin. Pray that this leads to conviction and repentance.

We put a BLOG post online with some video resources to learn the Ten Commandments. One video even shows a child reciting the Ten Commandments in order in under 20 seconds. If a child can do it, so can you.

If you would like training, the Bezeugen Ministries Basic Evangelism Training Seminar is available on YouTube and Rumble.

If you need more tracts,  would like Million Dollar bills like our new Mr Nice Guy bill they are available by donation online.

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and received 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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