Bookmark Tract

Front of the Bookmark

The bookmark is intended to be handed out with with a Bible or a New Testament to answer the question “What does the Bible say…” Now of course, the Bible says lot’s of things, but here what we are specifically discussing is “What happens when a person dies.” The back of the bookmark contains instructions to use the Bibles table of contents to lookup the verses and answer a series of questions. Following the series of questions, there is a Gospel message.

These bookmarks can be used as a simply “give away” where you give out Bibles with the bookmark. Or, better yet, use them to share the message with someone by actually walking them through the Bible verses and the questions. Even right here in Dallas, we meet people that have never read the Bible or seen one. Explain that the Bible is actually a library, a collection of sixty-six books. Show them that the table of contents shows how to find a particular book. Then show them that within each book there are chapters and within each chapter there are verses.

The first question is “What happens when a you die?” and refers them to Hebrews 9:27. Show them in the table on contents where to find the book of Hebrews. Turn to that page. Then show them the chapter indicators and finally the verse. While pointing to Hebrews 9:27 ask, “can you read this verse?”

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

Then ask them the question again “so, what happens when you die?” Most people will simply say something like “you face judgment.”

This opens the door to the next question “who has sinned?” This time you might have them find the verse. Or if they are in a hurry, you can hand them the Bible and ask them to look up the rest of the verses and answer the questions. People are really blessed by receiving the gift Bibles. If they have time to talk, then look up the next verse for them and then have then read it, followed by asking that question. Along the way you can guide the discussion.

Getting more bookmarks

We have a supply of these bookmarks available. We will make these available through donations to the ministry to cover our costs. Please contact Carl for more details.

Where to Buy Bibles

The verses on the bookmark are entirely from the New Testament. This makes it possible to give the bookmark out with either an outreach Bible or a New Testament. I’ve seen New Testaments in Christian bookstores for as low as $1 a copy even when not purchased in bulk.

The best pricing I have found for the New Testament is 69 cents a copy when ordered in cases (3 cases of 100 minimum) at Bible Surplus.

At one point I had found complete Bibles is $1 a copy when ordered in cases (5 cases of 48 copies minimum). However, Crossway no longer lists the bulk discount so they are now $3/each when purchased in a case. The local Lifeway store has also matched this pricing for us, so you might check the store in your area.

Other places to order include:

  • ESV New Testament from Christian Book Distributors. At the time of this writing it was priced at 90 cents a copy when ordering 10 or more.
  • ESV Share the Good News New Testament from Christian Book Distributors. At the time of this writing is 79 cents a copy when ordering 10 or more.


This bookmark was developed as a result of the Share Jesus BLOG posts (part 1 and part 2).

2 Responses to Bookmark Tract

  1. Pingback: A trip to the mall | Bezeugen BLOG

  2. Pingback: Memorize Ten Verses | Bezeugen BLOG

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