All Bezeugen Tract Club tracts are now available for purchase

Note: if you are looking for the Bucket List Door Hangar, please visit the Carrollton for Christ BLOG.

Members of the Bezeugen Tract Club receive 30 Gospel tracts per month (for Free). We supply these tracts from generous gifts from our donors. Sometimes we are able to provide additional tracts as people need them. Some of our tracts are stocked by One Million Tracts and can be ordered from their web site.  However, many of our tracts are limited runs and once we are out, there are no more.

Today, I am pleased to announce that Marv at One Million Tracts has agreed to print any of the tracts designed by Bezeugen Ministries in quantities as low as 250 tracts. He is offering the following pricing on all of our tracts:

  • Ten packs of 100 tracts each (1000 tracts of any one style) for $30
  • Five packs of 100 tracts each (500 tracts of any one style) for $20
  • 250 tracts of any one style for $15

So whether you would like Get Out of Hell Free tracts, the Good Card, Why? tract, good news / bad news for door to door witnessing or 2+2= please contact Marv by email to place your order.

My thanks to Marv at One Million Tracts for making this offer available!

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