Five Approaches to Door to Door Evangelism

I was asked recently, “how are we going to reach the city for Christ?” The gist of the question was “how much money do we need to print a postcard and mail it to every household. That got me thinking and praying about, what do we really mean by going out to share the Gospel door to door.

The five approaches in the video are:

  1. Bulk Mail
  2. Hire someone to place door hangers
  3. Canvassing the neighborhood by having Christians put door hangers on each door
  4. Knock on each door, but leave a door hanger if there is no answer.
  5. Talk to someone at each household

Our focus is on Canvassing and Knocking on doors. Sometimes we may choose to just walk and pray and put door hangers out. Other times we are going to knock with the hopes of talking to someone that is home. But, we are not going to take that to the extreme that we need to be sure to come back to talk with someone if they did not answer the door.

The important message is Jesus commanded us to “go and make disciples”. There is no evidence in the Bible that the early church hired out the task of evangelism. So, neither should we. That eliminates the first two options.



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