New Year Resolutions

It’s that time of year when people often make New Years Resolutions. So here is a question for you. Can you name TEN of the top New Year resolutions?

Answer (in no particular order): 1. Lose Weight, 2. Stop Smoking, 3. Go Greener, 4. Upgrade My Technology, 5. Change Career, 6. Get Organized, 7. Start a New Hobby, 8. Get Out of Debt, 9. Spend More Time with Family, 10. Help Others.

Each of these has to do with changing the way you think and act about something. God wants you to change the way you think and act about His Law, the Ten Commandments. The Bible says, “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (based on the Ten Commandments). How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Ever hated someone? Jesus calls hatred murder! Ever looked with lust? Jesus calls lust adultery. Innocent or guilty? Heaven or hell? God does not want you to go to hell. He sent His only son Jesus Christ to fulfill the Law. Being fully God and fully man, Jesus lived a perfect life. He died on a cross to pay for your sin. Then He rose from the dead, defeating sin, death and the devil. God commands all people everywhere to repent and trust in Jesus (Mark 1:15, Acts 17:30-31). Consider making repentance and trust in Jesus your number one resolution this year!

If you have resolved to repent of your sin and trust Jesus for salvation, then please post a comment or contact me so that we can be praying for you.

What if I already did that? (or if I just did)
Maybe you have already repented of your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ. Or maybe you just did! In that case, let me offer another suggestion for your New Year resolution: resolve to share the Gospel more next year than you did last year! Look at Jesus’ words from Matthew 28:

16Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

This “Great Commandment” was not issued only to the few believers that were there at Christs assension. It literally is a command that means to keep doing it until told to stop. When will the command to stop come? When Christ returns. In the meantime, each day, we are one day closer to the day of His return and therefore the urgency to share the Gospel increases each day too.In verse 19, Jesus says to “Go.” This literally means, “as you go.” Earlier this year, I wrote a series of blog posts about this subject. If you need some understanding of the importance of evangelism and how to get started, then please review the As You Go series online.

As you resolve to share your faith more in 2010, let me offer you a few practical ways that Bezeugen can help you.

First, we offer the Bezeugen Tract Club. As a member, we will send you 30 Gospel tracts per month absolutely free along with some encouragement on how to hand them out. The idea is to distribute one each day. Will you resolve to do that? Enroll online today!

Second, Bezeugen offers monthly evangelism training. Our next seminar is on Thursday, January 21 at The Escape coffee shop in Carrollton, TX. To maximize your time at the seminar you may like to review the first six parts of the As You Go series and then check the Biblical Basis for Evangelism and the Evangelism Quotes pages. We’d love to buy you a cup of coffee at the seminar. If you can’t make it on the 21st, then please watch the seminar web site for announcements of future dates. Or, if you’d like to host an Evangelism Seminar at your home, church or small group then please contact me.

Third, we offer witnessing events about once a month. Whether it is going to a parade, concert or sporting event, we hit the streets, hand out tracts, have one on one conversations and preach the Gospel. Why not join us for one or more of these events.

Finally, consider subscribing to our weekly email list, The Bezeugen Blast. Here you will keep updated with witnessing tips, prayer requests and our testimonials as we hit the streets.

If you have resolved to share the Gospel more in 2010, please post a comment so that we can be praying for your commitment!

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