NBA All-Star Game

On Sunday night was the NBA All-Star game in Arlington. There were at least 11 of us on the streets by the Dallas Cowboys game witnessing before the game. The first thing I notice when going out to Arlington is the outrageous prices for parking. Near the stadium parking can cost $60. At a church a block from the stadium they were asking $40 to park. I pulled in and asked if they would give us a discount since we were there to evangelize. Two people declined to give us any discount. So we drove on down the street about another quarter mile and parked for half as much!

One of the first people I spoke too was a teen who was looking for tickets. He said he would pay up to $150 each. A short time later I talked with a couple who were considering selling their tickets for $900 each! The game drew an all time basketball record sized crowd of over 108,000!

We preached, handed out tracts, shared the Gospel one on one, and witnessed with signs for nearly four hours. It was a tremendous blessing to be on the streets with brothers and a sister in Christ. Our friends from Sports Fan Outreach were in town from Atlanta. So we had a nice preview of the logistics for next years Super Bowl. We were also blessed to have Manuel and his dad witnessing side by side!

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One Response to NBA All-Star Game

  1. Carl says:

    Tom sent this comment in email:
    "We have actually, routinely seen signs for parking as high as EIGHTY dollars; in comparison, then, walking a hundred extra feet or so for SIXTY would be a "bargain"! I'm guessing that there may even be some nooks and crannies for parking, right up near the stadium that we haven't yet seen, that go for a hundred. Probably just Jags and Porches and Lamborghinis (etc.) parked there, though."

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