Outreach in the Park

On Saturday, April 3rd, Bezeugen Ministries and First Baptist Hebron partnered together to host an outreach in the park. We met at Harvest Run Park in Carrollton, TX. Many thanks to Hebron Community Church who loaned us a bounce house. The kids enjoyed the bounce house. We also had free snow cones, cookies and bottles of water for people to enjoy. We shared bottles of water with the kids that were playing football and basketball at the park and then used that as a springboard to the Gospel. Roy, Mande, Deb and Byron read Matthew 26-28, the designated Project Ezra reading for the week.

Many of us engaged in one on one conversations as well as small group discussions with the people at the park. I did some dollar trivia with a group of teens and then took two of them through the good person test. They were brothers who are also Hindu. I think they were really touched when I gave them the five dollars as a gift of grace even when they both failed the good person test.

We handed out about 100 tracts, gave out some new testaments and a couple of copies of Mark Cahill’s One Heartbeat Away.

Deb and Roy brought an easel and set it up to do some preaching using painting. Three boys watched intently and heard the Gospel!

Todd and Wayne spoke with a woman named Christina. She repented of her sin and trusted in Jesus! WOW! It is awesome to see the fruit of the labors. God is so good to let us see it.

The outreach was a big success. We plan to do this monthly throughout the summer.

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One Response to Outreach in the Park

  1. Bridget4Jesus says:

    Praise the Lord for Christina's Salvation!!! Lord, I pray that everyone else who heard the Gospel and/or received tracts would do the same!
    In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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