Texas Rangers Outreach

On May 2nd a group of 30 of us went to the Texas Rangers game and shared the Gospel. We distributed over 6,000 Gospel tracts. We had some one on one conversations.

We were blessed to do this outreach in conjunction with the Gospel for Asia School of Discipleship. The students do a great job at sharing the Gospel. We also had Scott and his sons from Louisiana and two new local contacts join us for the outreach.

Sporting events are a great opportunity to share the Gospel. You can position yourself on the sidewalk leading up to the stadium and simply hand tracts to people. Ask “did you get one of these?” and most people will take them.

We like to make “trivia” tracts to hand out at the event. At this game we had three different versions of our Baseball Trivia tracts. People like to take these as a souvenir and quiz themselves on the questions. The last question leads to the Gospel. One Million Tracts has baseball trivia tracts for many Major Leagues Baseball teams. Additional designs can be developed. And they can be developed for other sports as well. For more information on the Major League Baseball outreach or to order tracts in bulk please see the event page.

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