September Prayer Meetings

On Thursday, September 2, we held the First Thursday Day of Prayer at two locations. This post is to report on these meetings.

Carrollton, TX
Carl, Mande, Nita and Todd met at City Hall at Jackson and Josey. A light rain was falling. Initially we stood under umbrellas, but then we realized that we could stand under a tree that provided enough coverage from the gentle rain. A couple of pastors who had planned to come had to cancel. Regrets were received later from the mayor. We started out time by singing “seek ye first”. After that we read Isaiah 58 and selections from Matthew 6. The passages from the Lord’s prayer for “your kingdom come” and “seek first the kingdom of God” were the direct ties to the prayer requests. Then we prayed for the nation, leaders and revival. We prayed specifically for the mayor of Carrollton and other leaders. We concluded out time together by singing a song based on 1John 3:1 (Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. ) After wards we witnessed to a man who was nearby then went to lunch and had some fellowship together.

Dallas, TX
Craig reports that more than fifty people gathered at his office. Craig reports, “We started with Psalm 103 and concluded with versus from John 8.    We had some specific prayer requests and then prayed for our country and our leaders.”

If you participated in another location, please post a comment with your experience.

Our next First Thursday Day of Prayer is October 7th. Please consider participating then.

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