Update to the 21 Day Challenge

Several years ago we introduced the 21 Day Challenge tract. You can read the story of the tract on the Bezeugen Tract Club site. Since most people’s new year resolutions don’t make it to February, we asked for a 21 day commitment to read the Gospel of John. Of course this can be done any time of year, but we’ve taken to doing it every January. We have an added feature now. By sending an email to 21@AfterLifeCatalog.com you can receive a reminder every day to complete the challenge right in your inbox! The 21 Day Challenge tracts will be included in the January mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. As you hand them out point folks to the website on the back of the card and encourage them to subscribe to the daily emails which will include information on how to read the chapter on the device (when the device has YouVersion installed), read on the web, listen, or watch the Gospel of John.

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