Let your light shine before men

I love Christmas Candlelight services. Always have. Always will. As a kid we went to church at 11PM on Christmas Eve, so that when the service was over it was Christmas morning! We would go home and open gifts to celebrate the gift of Christ!

Not sure why churches don’t seem to do the 11PM services these days. But, I guess it’s okay, since it’s past my bedtime anyway! LOL! But we still had candlelight service. One the Sunday before Christmas and another on Christmas Eve.

It struck me as the pastor took the candle light from the advent wreathe and spread it to others candles how the light spread through the room and illuminated it. It’s a picture of the Gospel spreading from person to person to person.

This is a perfect picture of the members of the Bezeugen Tract Club sharing the gospel person to person one at a time everyday “as you go”. But what if each person of the Bezeugen Tract Club also told another person about the Bezeugen Tract Club just once a month. The Bezeugen Tract Club would double in size every month. So next month we’d have twice as many members and reach twice as many people with the Gospel. The next month the membership would double again and we’d again reach twice as many people as we did the previous month – four times more people than the first month. Keep doing this and within six months, the Bezeugen Tract Club would have 64 times the number of members as it has today and together we would reach 64 times more people with the Gospel per month than we do currently. Keep going and after a year we’d be reaching more than four thousand times the number of people per month.

Can you commit to inviting one new member to the Bezeugen Tract Club before the end of the month? Refer your friends. Ask them to put your name in the “How you heard about the tract club” field. The existing member with the most referrals by January 1, 2021 will receive 100 Gospel tracts.

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