2020 Year in Review

It goes without saying that any 2020 year-end summary needs to mention that it was an unprecedented year. The pandemic impacted the health of family and friends. It impacted our personal lives postponing everything from business travel to vacations, family gatherings and weddings. It impacted how we package the monthly mailing, impacted our regularly scheduled outreaches, and even impacted people’s willingness to even take a Gospel tracts that was handed to them. However, it also presented new opportunities to share the Gospel.  Despite all the challenges and changes we take comfort in the promise of Hebrews 13:8 that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.

Early on in the “shelter in place” I was out walking in my neighborhood. An elderly woman was on the other side of the street and she was very distraught about COVID. I was able to share a few Bible verses with her and let her know that no matter what happens “God is in control”. She did become more at peace while we talked and eventually she even took a tract from me and read it. It was a good reminder to me that the more chaos in the world, the more the world needs Jesus!

During the year we came out with several new Gospel tracts. Two of them in particular became among the most requested tracts we have made. The No matter who’s President, Jesus is King tract has been very popular and easy to hand out throughout the election cycle. The Fear Not tract was our prayerful answer to reaching people during the pandemic. While people are understandably fearful of COVID-19, there are many things they are fearful about. This tract features beautiful calligraphy and has been well received to alleviate a lot of fear.

We are extremely thankful for our wonderful team of volunteers who help us each month to pack all the envelopes that get mailed out. Each monthly mailing typically involves at least 15 volunteers doing everything from counting tracts, folding envelopes, packing envelopes, and sealing envelopes. As you can imagine, when you can’t meet together these logistics get even more difficult. At Bezeugen Ministries we navigated the pandemic by dividing up the mailings into smaller chunks and our volunteers took the materials to their houses so that the mailings continued going out month after month.

Understandably many people were not able to hand out as many tracts during the year due to businesses being closed and shelter in place policies across the country. We took that as an opportunity to allow people to renew their membership as bi-monthly and quarterly subscriptions so that they remain members, yet don’t get as backlogged on tracts if they are not getting out much.

As we enter 2021 we are excited about what lies ahead. In February we will present the Basic Evangelism Training Seminar online via Zoom. In March we will mail the 150th mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club.

We appreciate your partnership with Bezeugen. Over the years we have found that for each three cents donated someone hears the Gospel! As postage rates continue to rise we strive to keep our operation volunteer based, so that donations can be used to print tracts and ship them out. We prayerfully ask you to consider an ongoing partnership with us. Would you consider a one time or recurring donation in 2021?

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