Bezeugen Tract Club – October 2021

In October 2008 we mailed our first Bezeugen Tract Club mailing. Craig and Carl had been sharing the Gospel weekly at a local shopping mall and in the process had asked various friends to pray for us each time we went out. That list of people had grown to about 100 souls. We eventually decided to go share the Gospel at some events locally. One such event was a Dallas Cowboys game (back at the old stadium in Irving). I can remember it like it was yesterday.

At this particular game we arrived when the game was ending and were handing out tracts to people as they left the stadium. Most took a tract and continued walking. But some stopped to talk for a one on one conversation. As we have done thousands of times now, if someone would identify as a believer in Jesus we would ask a couple probing questions to see why they would go to heaven. If their answers were not around being “born again” or “trusting Christ alone” for salvation then we would go to the Gospel. Otherwise, we could talk about discipleship.

Often those discipleship questions would turn to asking the person if they had ever shared their faith. Many of those who said no, would follow up with “I don’t know how”. One woman that day said “I wouldn’t know where to get tracts like these”.  I told her that if she gave me her email address I’d send her some links to websites of where she could order. She agreed and I followed up when I got home.

The next day I was driving in my car thinking about this. I realized that a pack of tracts would run $5-7. Someone might want a few varieties. So that’s $20-30. And then there is shipping. So someone might spend over $25 to get some tracts and then when 500 or so tracts arrived might be so overwhelmed that instead of getting started, they might feel defeated and do nothing.

Then I was struck with an idea as if the Lord was speaking to me. No, I didn’t hear an audible voice or anything. But it was as if He was saying “why don’t you send her the tracts”. What if we sent out 30 gospel tracts per month and encouraged people to share one every day. By receiving 30 at a time it would not be so overwhelming to someone. An accompanying letter suggesting ways to share the tracts could help too!

Our first mailing went out in October 2008 to those 100 or so people on our prayer list. We explained it was a one time mailing, unless we heard from them wanting to receive them monthly. Some responded affirmatively. Some didn’t respond till a few months later. Others didn’t reply. As we enter our 14th year of sending out tracts we hope you are encouraged to share the Gospel every day.

This is the 157th mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. Each month tracts are sent to every US State and most Canadian Provinces. Over the last 13 years more that 4.6 million tracts have been sent to Bezeugen Tract Club members to distribute. We hope and pray you are encouraged to share the Gospel everyday, “As You Go”.

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