My new t-shirt

I’ve talked about making my own t-shirt for awhile. Over the weekend I mentioned it to my wife. She asked what I wanted. I told her I thought we could find a place online to print it. She decided to make it for me! (Thanks, Honey!) So today, was my first day to wear my new t-shirt.

On the front it says, “Where will you spend ETERNITY?”

And on the back is the web site,

I wore the shirt out this evening to physical therapy and then to Target. Got some looks of people checking it out. Hmmm… I’m thinking a tract with the question on the front and the Law and Gospel on the back would go nicely with the shirt.

So, if we got these printed would anyone be interested in one?

Why make a shirt like this? Well, certain shirts make nice invitations to spiritual conversations. Check out my YouTube video that discusses this.

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