Cardinals Outreaches

Tom Burgee lead outreaches to the Cardinals games on March 31 and April 2. Here is an excerpt from his BLOG on how he described the outreach on March 31:

I had originally intended on attending only April 2nd, the first weekend of the home opener, but then heard about a “Cardinals rally” at a nearby plaza and made plans to attend that as well. I thought I’d be alone, but a faithful and dedicated brother jumped on board and he and I handed out over 2,000 tracts in only a couple hours. a few conversations were had and it was a great day literally 2500 people got the gospel in their hands…

and April 2

Saturday came and… nearly everyone who had said they would come didn’t, I’ll admit I was more than a little disappointed, but our God is amazing. God had sent two brothers to hand out tracts and share the gospel with us.  Four of us, handed out nearly 1,000 tracts to local game goers in the couple hours before game time, we had several amazing conversations, and above all God was glorified. He provided the tracts, He provided the laborers, and He will give the increase.

Please read the complete article in the St Louis Witnessing BLOG.

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