National Day of Prayer Hobi

National Day of Prayer - Hobi International

We celebrated National Day of Prayer at HOBI International on Thursday.  We had over seventy participants, including one of our vendors and someone that found the event on the NDP website.  We opened by reading Psalm 91:1-6.  We then had a time of prayer for some specific prayer requests that were left in the “prayer box” over the last month, as well as prayer for our country.  We were blessed with an impromptu choir that volunteered to sing a hymn (in Spanish) and a testimony from Jeremy an employee at HOBI.  Pastor Steve closed us with some words about what a blessing it is to live in a country that allows us to hold such an event in public and a prayer thanking all those that have sacrificed to protect those freedoms.  The next prayer event at HOBI will be Thursday, June 2.

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