Judgment Day

You may have seen a billboard recently that looks like the one below:

These were put up by a ministry called Family Radio headed by Harold Camping. Camping has made several false prophecies, including May 21, 2011, about when the rapture would occur. Now that May 21 is passed and we all know that Camping was wrong we might be tempted to poke fun. However, may I suggest several things that we can learn from this.

An opportunity to Witness

First of all, the billboards have presented an amazing opportunity to witness to people about Jesus Christ. For the last two weeks, I’ve been carrying a print out of the picture above. I encourage you to do the same. Leading up to May 21, I could show someone the picture and simply say “have you seen this billboard?”

They would answer yes or no.

Regardless of their answer, I could ask a follow up “whether or not May 21 is the day of judgment, do you think there is an ultimate day of judgment?”

Again they would generally answer yes or no. My rough survey shows that slightly more than half the people believe there is ultimately a day of judgment. This naturally leads to a conversation about spiritual things to find out what they think the judgment is about. This leads to Hebrew 9:27 and Romans 2:12 to talk about the fact that each person will die one day and be judged by the Ten Commandments. We will all stand condemned by God and deserve Hell. But fortunately, Jesus died in our place providing forgiveness of sin and life everlasting to all who will repent and put their trust in Him.

As we move past May 21st, I expect many people will continue to remember this event. Instead of laughing it off, use it as an opportunity to share the Gospel.

Be Compassionate

I have yet to meet anyone who actually believed the May 21 date. if you do, be compassionate with them. Remind them that the Bible teaches that Jesus himself said that no one knows the day or the hour. Help them to see that they need to have their trust in Jesus, not a man who predicts a date, or the date itself.

Advertising is powerful

The Lord has placed it on my heart to look at advertising as a means to share the Gospel. I don’t actually have the money to conduct such a campaign. But, as I drive around and see signs, I’ve often wondered how effective such signs would be. This past week has been very eye opening in this regard. A report on CNN indicated that Family Radio only has 20,000 listeners. However, it seems just about everyone knows (knew) about the May 21 “prophecy”. This attests to the awesome power of advertising. Now, let’s imagine that instead of advertising some false date of the end of the world, the advertising was to share a Biblical Gospel. Perhaps this medium, or a newspaper ad, ads in a local magazine are a way to share the Gospel. Let’s collectively pray for wisdom on how to use the resources that God has granted us to reach every person with the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Got an idea how to do that? Please post a comment.

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