As You Go – Part 7

In the first six parts of the series we have looked at the use of Gospel tracts in evangelism and that even an atheist knows the importance of Evangelism. We have watched two foundational messages called Hell’s Best Kept Secret and True and False Conversion. Finally, last week, we offered Jon Speed’s book which explains what Biblical Evangelism in the New Testament looks like.

What we have found is the reason that people do not take the next step and “go” share the Gospel is fear! You might be afraid you don’t know enough. Or afraid, you don’t know what to say. Or maybe you are afraid that you will offend someone. Or that they won’t like you if they know you are a Christian. These fears are all common to man. And even seasoned evangelists have a hearty fear at times. Yet, because Christ commanded us to evangelize, we must overcome our fear. People are dying and going to hell. Their eternity is based on us overcoming our fear.

There is certainly much to learn about Evangelism. Charles G. Finney says, “make it an object of constant study and daily reflection and prayer to learn how to deal with sinners so as to promote their conversion.” It’s not a matter of learning everything there is to learn and then going and doing. It is a matter of learning that first little bit, faithfully doing what you can and then taking the next step. For instance, even right now, being compelled to save people, you could hand a Gospel tract to the cashier and simply say, “please read the message on the back when you get off work.” Then walk off. It’s that easy. Or even simplier, why not leave a Gospel tract in the credit card slot at the gas pump for the next person to get when they get gas. You see, you can spread the Word without even talking to people! Are you ready to get started handing out Gospel tracts? Then why not enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club today and get your free supply of 30 Gospel tracts per month so that you can hand out one each day?

At Bezeugen Ministries, we recognized a need for Basic Evangelism Training and developed a two hour seminar to help you overcome your fears. The seminar is taught in homes, restaurants and churches. In fact, we can even present it one on one over a cup of coffee.We share many ways to hand out Gospel tracts.We teach you how to have a one on one conversation using the Way of the Master method. Then we share some do’s and don’ts to get you started. The seminar includes some time for role play to observe first hand what witnessing looks like. Finally, we point you to some recommended resources and encourage you to get started. With additional scheduled time, we can include a witnessing event or going door to door to share the Gospel. These post-seminar events allow participants to observe us doing what was taught.

At a recent seminar we took the participants door to door in the neighborhood across the street from the church. They really had their eyes opened as they heard first hand from the people living near by that they were going to hell. No, the people did not use that term exactly. However, we we take the Bible at its word, that Jesus is the only way to salvation, then anyone who has not repented of their sin and put their trust in Him alone will go to hell when they die.

So now, the next step is up to you. Would you email me and schedule a seminar for your church, small group, youth group or retreat?

For more information on the Basic Evangelism Training Seminar can be found on the Bezeugen web site. On this site you can read about what others have said about the training as well as find the dates of the next scheduled seminars.

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