Psalm 51

Sometimes God has a verse in mind for you to study, meditate on and learn. The last couple of days that verse (or chapter) has been Psalm 51.

Yesterday I flew to Miami for the super bowl outreach. On the plane I was reading psalm 51 and taking notes on it. I decided to write a letter to a friend to share some thoughts.

Once at the camp last night, I was talking to a new friend. He mentioned a sermon he had heard on this text. And I wad able to share that I was just studying it. Then this morning at the camp, the speaker preached on Psalm 51!

God still was not done talking to me from this text. This afternoon we were on southbeach in Miami. I had been handing out tracts and having one on one conversations for hours. Then I felt called to preach. I decided to sit down and read scripture to pray an prepare to preach.

I received a text message. Before putting my phone away, I checked my email. There was a message from the Project Ezra blog with this weeks suggested reading. The suggested reading: Psalm 51. Okay Lord – I’ll use that text to preach.

I got up on the box. I shared the law and gospel. Then I explained that once you repent you could make a prayer like King David did. Then I read Psalm 51.

After dinner I preached again and read the Psalm again.

Our first day of the super bowl outreach has been great. Thousands of tracts have een distributed. The law and gospel was clearly communicated on the beach today with at least 8 hours of preaching.

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