Bezeugen Tract Club – February 2022

Last months letter challenged you to set some personal goals for 2022. According to an article only 55% of people make it into February with maintaining their resolutions. So how are you doing with the challenge goals in last months letter? You can review last months letter online review this summary of the challenge goals is below:

  • Are you reading the Bible daily?
  • Are you sharing the Gospel daily?
  • Have you invited at least one person to join the Bezeugen Tract Club?
  • Are you praying for the Lord to send out workers?

Sometimes new tract ideas come to mind, get designed, printed and released. Other times, we put the idea onto a list of ideas, pray about it for awhile, and then when God’s timing is right, the new tract becomes a reality. Some of these ideas have been on this list for years. The enclosed “Free Indeed” tract is an example of the later. This is an idea that we’ve had for a few years. Multiple attempts at the artwork, just didn’t seem right. Yet, the idea for the tract continued to come to mind.  Finally one night I was talking to my friend Marv at One Million Tracts. We spoke on the phone for a few minutes one evening and I explained to him what I had in mind. About a half hour later he texted me the image that appears on this tract! It was exactly what I had had in mind! BTW, if you ever need tracts in bulk, please support Marv by ordering tracts at

I’ve written before about how we “never meant to start a prison ministry”. You can read that article on our BLOG. Yet, we send thousands of tracts per month into the prison systems across Texas and the United States each month. We have tract club members who are sending tracts to inmates around the world. Last month I had a call from a woman who got one of our tracts from someone on death row at San Quentin. When we think of bondage, we typically think of people in prison. People who are locked in handcuffs. In these cases, being free may just be being released from these handcuffs.

While prisoners are in physical bondage because they are paying an earthly consequence of sin, Jesus says anyone who practices sin is in enslaved to it (John 8:34). You see, inmates maybe in need of freedom from physical containment, they like everyone has an even greater need, freedom from the sin that enslaves them, until they are freed by Jesus! Jesus died for the sin of the world. Freedom comes when a man repents and believes the Gospel. We hope and pray that this new tract is used to reach many with the Gospel both inside and outside of prisons across the country!

February brings Valentine’s Day. While this is a time when people celebrate the love of their life, there is no greater love than the love God showed us by sending Jesus to die for the sin of the world. The enclosed John 3:16 is a great reminder of God’s great love for us!

Other tracts included this month are the popular Are You a good person and The Ten Commandments. 

The Are You a Good Person Tract is fun to hand to people and ask them to put their finger on the little man and see if he changes color. When he doesn’t change they claim the tract is broken. Well, it is just a piece of paper after all. But, I’ll play along and ask, “are you sure you pressed hard enough” or “are you sure it was exactly 8 seconds?” With a bewildered look on their face, they will try again. Keep it fun, and then get to the Gospel.

The Ten Commandments tract provides the commandments so that the person can easily ask themselves if they have kept those commandments. We know that no one has kept them all. The question really becomes whether someone will admit they have broken them. Once a person admits they are a sinner and in need of  a savior, then you can share the gospel with them and point them to the Savior, Jesus!

To receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month, enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club.

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