Bezeugen Tract Club – March 2022

Over the last few years we have released some tracts with beautiful calligraphy by Keith Neds. This months new tract is also based on a ministry of his, encouraging people to pray for our country.  Keith explains:

I am involved in a prayer movement in Rockwall, Texas where we have put up large monthly prayer signs in our community for the last 5 years or so. In 2020, my son-in-law, Samuel Smith, was running for the Texas State Representative seat for district 107 in Mesquite. He loves the Lord, and mentioned to me that it might be a good idea to have prayer yard signs to pass out in conjunction with his campaign yard signs. He initially estimated that he might need 200 signs. We have provided those signs, and have seen an overwhelming response to them. We not only used them in his district, but in many other places in our state and country. At this point, nearly 8,000 signs have been placed, and we have just begun! Because of the intense problems in our land, Christians are realizing more and more the necessity of prayer.

At various locations such as churches, businesses, and conferences, we lean the signs up against a wall and indicate that the prayer signs are free ONLY for those who will promise two things: 1) to PRAY regularly for America, and 2) to DISPLAY the sign in a visible place for others to see. I am the president of a small 501(c)3 ministry called Calligraphy for Christ. This is a faith ministry, so as the Lord continues to provide, we give these signs away. 

Our desire is to call Americans across our country to pray. We know for a fact that the strategy of prayer is God-ordained, God-blessed, and God-empowered (II Chronicles 7:14; James 5:16b).

If you  would like a sign to put in your yard to go with the tracts we have sent this month, you can  go to and download the PDF and/or JPG file. Or Call (Houston, TX)  at 281-786-3764 between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. and reference Keith Neds name, Calligraphy for Christ organization, and order number 1993467. They will provide you with all the details. For more information see Calligraphy for Christ Prayer Sign Page.

It’s amazing to drive around Rockwall and see the large “Pray for America” signs and also the smaller yard signs. Keith had also made bumper stickers. Keith, his family, and members of Rockwall Bible Church have

also been helping to pack tract club envelopes for years. One day we were talking and I suggested we take the image from the sign and print it on a tract. We worked on the text together. This month we are glad to include this tract in the mailing. We pray this tract will be used to reach many people with the Gospel and also encourage them to pray for our nation, leaders and much needed revival.

Since May 2010 we have also been hosting monthly “First Thursday” prayer meetings at various city halls, businesses and churches.  Each month we post suggested “A.C.T.S.” (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) verses to guide participants prayer time on out BLOG ( If you’d like to start your own group and have a monthly prayer meeting in your community please contact us and we will send you a monthly email with these ACTS verses for prayer and also include your location in our logistics. We have a “trading card” available, by donation, that you can write your prayer meeting logistics on to give to people to invite them to come. We look forward to hearing from you.

This months mailing also includes the following tracts:

  • Hello my name is—which also doubles as a business card for you. Let’s say you are talking with someone and would like them to be able to reach out to you to talk more about the Gospel. These cards allow you to write your name and contact information on the front so that you can use them for this purpose.
  • Get Out of Hell Free is one of the most popular and requested tracts that we have. Many people think they are “good” with God, or that their “religion” serves as a “Get Out of Hell Free card”. The reality is their religion and works won’t save anyone. Salvation is found in no other name than the name of Jesus.

If you are not already receiving 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month, you can enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club.

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