Bezeugen Tract Club – May 2023

Last month we provided information on first Thursday prayer that Bezeugen Ministries has hosted since May 2010.  We use the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) model for prayer to pray for our nation, leaders, and revival. In May this corresponds with the National Day of Prayer. Why not find a local group in your area, join them for National Day of Prayer and then ask them to join you monthly to continue to prayer for our nation, leaders and revival.  You can find an event near you or post an event online.

Have you played with ChatGPT? It’s a new AI Bot that is all the rage online. You can seemingly ask it anything, and it does it’s best to answer. Some things it seems to know. For example, we asked it what the Bezeugen Tract Club is, and it comes back with a reasonable answer:

The Bezeugen Tract Club is a Christian organization that provides gospel tracts to its members for the purpose of spreading the gospel message and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others. Some benefits of being a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club may include:

Access to high-quality gospel tracts: As a member, you will have access to a wide variety of gospel tracts, each of which is designed to effectively share the gospel message with those who receive it.

Easy distribution: The compact size and low cost of gospel tracts make them easy to distribute and share with others, whether you are handing them out in your community, at church, or in other settings.

Personal growth and spiritual development: By participating in the Bezeugen Tract Club, you will have the opportunity to grow in your faith and develop your personal evangelistic skills.

Encouragement and support: As a member, you will be part of a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to spreading the gospel message. This can provide a source of encouragement and support as you seek to share the gospel with others.

Making a difference: By handing out gospel tracts, you can have a real and tangible impact on the lives of those around you. Through your efforts, you can help bring others closer to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, being a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club provides numerous benefits for those seeking to share the gospel message with others. Whether you are a seasoned evangelist or just starting out, the Bezeugen Tract Club can be a valuable resource for reaching others with the message of the gospel.

ChatGPT also correctly answered that the Mormon Jesus is not the same as the Jesus of the Bible. However, when asking ChatGPT a sequence of questions and asking it to expand on it’s answers it can get repetitive, redundant and include circular logic. That reminds me about a lot of Gospel conversation where people will proceed down various rabbit trails asking questions to distract from the main purpose of discussing the Gospel.

This is where Gospel tracts can really come in handy. They provide a clear concise message that presents the sin problem and the one and only clear solution. As you discuss the tract with people you can say “you know that’s an interesting question and I’d be happy to follow up and get back to you” and then point back to the tract and say “so have you kept the ten commandments” or “would you go to Heaven or Hell” based on which part of the tract you are discussing.

The bookmark has ten questions and ten Bible verses. When taken in order it will walk you through a conversation. At each point you can then direct the person to the next question. If they want to go off in another direction, say something like “I’d be happy to discuss that, but I think your questions might be answered if we go through the rest of these questions and Bible verses first”.

A sermon I was listening to recently the Pastor described witnessing to someone. They had a lot of questions for him. He offered his phone number and said, why don’t you call me and we can discuss all of your questions. She was so convicted by her sin from the message he had shared with her that she repented and trusted Christ. He reminded her of her questions and asked her to call. She said, “you know, I don’t have those questions now”. Amazingly trusting Christ, resolved her questions.

This month we are providing two seasonal tracts for your to distribute.

May the Fourth is often referred to as “Star Wars Day”. May the Forth vs May the Force. Get it? Ha Ha.  The original Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope, was released May 25, 1977. However, on May 4th, many people dress in Star Wars costumes, watch the movies again, etc. This tract is a connection between Star Wars and the Gospel. May the Lord be with you!  It’s a promise of Jesus for all who believe!

Mothers Day is Sunday, May 14th. The Greatest Gift tract that is enclosed was actually inspired by conversations with mother’s. Phil had shared with me how he would see a mom with her child and comment what a great gift your child is. He would transition the conversation to mention hat while the child is a great gift to ask “what is the greatest gift?” This lead to the Gospel and to a great conversation about the Gospel. These tracts are also available in Spanish and can be requested online by donation.

In addition we are providing two Bezeugen Tract Club favorites: Get out of Hell Free and Got Peace. If you need more tracts,  would like Million Dollar bills like our new Mr Nice Guy bill they are available by donation.

If you are not a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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