Initial Reports

Here are some initial reports from the outreaches:

Tom in St Louis wrote on Facebook following their March 31 outreach:

2500 (ish) tracts in two hours, thanks Zachary and Jesse – St. Louis

Handing out a tract to a Cardinals fan

Christians – read the description about Fresh 102.5 and their apparent hatred of the Gospel

Stephen wrote on Facebook about the outreach at the Colorado Rockies game on April 1:

Great day witnessing at Coors Field at Rockies opener. Great fellowship. with everyone. Handed out 7500 tracts. God was glorified.

Tim posted on Facebook after the Toronto Blue Jays outreach on April 1:

Preaching at Blue Jays game

We only had hundreds of tracts today for the MLB Outreach, not thousands as we had intended, but God is good to His children. He brought crowds to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Mark and Michael both took good person tests and seemed convicted by their sin. An atheist named Robert began to scream at me as I shared with Michael but God convicted him too and he retreated.


The Lord gave a couple of crowds today for “Good Person Tests” at the Blue Jay opening game. In this picture a young man named Michael took the test as another you man named Mark waited to speak to me. Mark returned from an earlier session and waited for me to finish with another crowd to give me back the money he took, and then confess that he had not repented to Jesus for his sins yet. Pray for Mark.

Texas Rangers on April 1:

Mike, Wally and I handed out about 3,500 tracts. I posted on Facebook, “Ran out of tracts!” We handed out about 1,800 baseball trivia tracts and then handed out bucket list, million dollar bills, reject the Gospel and any other tracts I had found for this so that we could save 8,000 tracts for Saturday’s outreach.

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3 Responses to Initial Reports

  1. Thank you..really informative!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    That preacher needed to get the metal plate in his head adjusted.

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