Rays Outreach

A group went on Saturday to the Rays game in Tampa. Here is a snipet of their report:

We passed out gospel tracts yesterday at the Tampa Bay, FL Rays Game – opening day. It was a good day! Passing out tracts at baseball games was new to us and traffic held us up so we didn’t get there as early as we wished to. Still, it was a great time – handed out 100-150 tracts. Had quite a few who said ‘no thanks’. Had one nice young man who said that he was so grateful to see Christians here because the day before he was greeted by JWs (‘Jehovahs’ witnesses) at his front door. And he commented that Christians have stopped reaching out, but we need to get back to that – we agreed! We gave him a tract and another booklet to read, and we saw him reading it as we left. Please pray for him – his name is Mike.

Please read the rest of their report on their BLOG.

There is another Rays outreach on April 16th. You can RSVP on the Facebook event.

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