
Have Tracts, Will Travel


My wife and I had a little getaway this Father’s Day weekend in Branson, Mo. Here is a summary of tracting on the way, there, and on the way back.Friday – At a Dollar General in Bastrop,La., the cashier took a PrePaid Card tract. Alimento, Jesus, Salvador, and Waldo took the Spanish John 14:6 tract at the Monticello, Ark. Walmart. Since it was Flag Day, Lamar, the cashier and a customer took the Are You A Good American? tract. At a Taco Bell in Pine Bluff, the cashier took the Uncle Sam million. When we were in the parking lo, a woman in her car told my wife that she had the same sandals that she had on. I gave her 4 Minion millions for her and three women who were with her. David, who was in a mobile wheel chair at the Clinton, Ar. took the Rock and Roll Trivia tract. He didn’t get any questions right. When we got to the last one about death, he said “You’re talking to the wrong guy about this”. I asked him to read the tract when he could. In Harrison, we stopped at a Shell station for directions. The clerk took the Uncle Sam million. When we got to our hotel in Hollister, Mo., Bobby took a Rock and Roll trivia. The next morning, he asked for another one to give to his friend. At the Dixie Stampede that night, I gave Uncle Sam millions to two men directing traffic in the parking lot. Amanda took the Thank You tract when we got popcorn at the pre-show. I gave a Man Card to a man who was holding his wife’s purse. We got a laugh out of it. I gave the Uncle Sam tract to the couple who were sitting by us. They were from Russellville, Ark. I left several patriotic tracts on seats due to the patriotic theme in the show. Saturday – The couple that own the hotel where we stayed are Christians. Carol let me place a tract display on the lobby counter. She said that she was saved after reading a tract that was given to her by her uncle who was a preacher. We ate lunch at the Grand Country Buffet. Our servers, Ryn and Christina, took Thank You tracts. Christina said that she really liked it. When I was leaving the rest room, a little boy tgought I had a gun in my tract holder. I explained to his father that I had tracts in it. He and his son took a Minion Are You Lucky Tract. Ian, the cashier at a Conaco, took a Rock amd Roll trivia tract. That night at the Sight and Sound theatre where we saw Samson, I asked a man with long hair if they called him Samson. He said no. He took a Yolo tract. Afterwards, we ate a 50’s Diner called Cakes and Creams. The same man was there with his friend. I placed a few Rock and Roll trivia tracts in a display there.Sunday – We visited Dicks 5 And Dime in Downtown Branson. This place is always busy. I left a few tracts in the Star Wars section. I left a Celebrate Freedom tract among some patriotic items. We ate lunch at CiCi’s pizza. A woman was giving out invites to a Johnny Cash tribute show. A young man asked if I wanted one. I said that I didnt, but gave him a baseball trivia tract. An employee took a Thank You tract. We went to a scenic outlook where a young woman took an Eternity tract. We stopped at Cracker Barrel to get a few things for our children.i talked with Collin who had just started there. He took my card. I stuffed several coupon books and left two tracts on the bench outside. At Dunkin Donuts, I left a Rock and Roll trivia tract at a table. We ate at Steak and Shakes that evening where Altin, our server, got a Thank You tract.
I also gave one to the cashier. The cashier at a Dollar General took one, too.Monday – We got gas at Walmart in Marshall, Ar. where Gavin took 2 Uncle Sam millions when I paid. After filling up, 1.47 was still left. I toldthe woman in the van behind us that they could use it and gave 2 millions to them. At a Taco Bell in Monticello, a man with blue hair rook the Rock and Roll trivia tract when he was leaving with his family. At Steak and Shake in Greenbrier, Jessica got a new Hello tract. I did leave tracts out in several other places. Don’t forget to take your tracts with you on vacation this summer!

Owner Of Hotel Saved Through Reading A Tract


My wife and I had a weekend getaway in Hollister and Branson, Mo. this weekend. We stayed at a little hotel in Hollister. The owners are Christians, Carol and Don. I asked Carol if I could leave a tract display at the desk. I told her about the tract club. She told me that she was saved after reading a tract that her uncle, who was a preacher, had gave her. Tracts do work!

Gospel Tract Tips


Tract Slots


You can find a slot for a tract anywhere! This was at Five Below in the phone accessories area. Where have you left a tract lately?

Easter Evangelism With The Hoppy Easter Tract


Easter is a great time to share your faith with the lost. For several years, Bezeugen Ministries has been sending the Hoppy Easter tract in the mailing for Easter month. One of the easiest ways to give someone this tract is by saying “Happy Easter!”. I have gave out many at the stores this year. We used then in our door to door outreach this Saturday before Easter Sumday. Hoppy – I mean Happy Easter!!

Easter Evangelism


The Hoppy Easter tract is well received at Easter time. I’ve been giving this one out by saying “Happy Easter”.

Daily Tract Challenge – March 3, 2019


Mardi Gras Parade Outreach / Monroe, La. – February 16, 2019


We had a great time at the Mardi Gras parade outreach tonight. We got there around 4:30, but it was raining. We went to Raising Cane’s where I gave a Minion Million to the cashier. Randy took a ManCard. A family of 4 took the Spanish Minion Million Peso. When we parked to go back to the parade route, it was raining a little. It stopped after we prayed. Five of us gave out around 500 or more tracts in a little over an hour. We covered about 1.2 miles on the route. The main tracts that were well received were the May The Lord Be With You, the Solo Yolo, and a handful of Minion millions. We only had a few rejects. Please pray for fruit from this outreach. Thanks for praying!

Daily Tract Challenge – January 20, 2018


Sunday’s #DailyTractChallenge