
More With The Happy Halloween Tract


As we were at Books-A-Million and Walmart on Monday night, we left tracts throughout both stores. There is over a week left to use tracts for Halloween. The displays cry “Leave a tract here!” Even though you can’t hear them, people are saying “I need the Gospel”! We can use natural subjects to swing to spiritual conversations! Let’s take advantage of any & every opportunity to get people to think about their sin, soul, and the Saviour!



Where Have You Placed Tracts Lately?


Where have you left tracts lately? There are endless places to leave them. Here are a few that I have left out as I have been out and about.





Trick or Tract!


A lot of stores are selling bags for trick or treaters to use on Halloween. If you want to put the two Bezeugen Halloween tracts out before then, slip them into these bags before they are purchased.! I’ve put a few in some as I stopped briefly at the displays. Even Halloween gift bags like these tracts! Take advantage of this day by getting a tract out that talks about keeping the Ten Commandments and one that speaks about God’s name being holy!



McDonald’s Monopoly Is Back!


The McDonald’s Monopoly game is back and just in time for the Community Chest Get Out Of Hell Free tract that is in the tract club supply for the month of August. I gave two to the McDonald’s drive-thru workers at lunch today. There are many ways to use this tract to start a conversation. I tell someone that it looks like the Monopoly card and explain what it talks about. One man at Walmart told me that he needed the tract. I got to talk to him about eternity! Be creative when using this one! Don’t forget to take them on your next trip to McDonald’s. It’s a favorite fast food place for many, but it’s also one of my favorite places to witness!




Challenges Abound, Yet God Gives Encouragement


Sometimes the hardest thing about sharing Christ with others, especially strangers is the challenge of starting the conversation and the judgement or contempt which often follows your attempt to evangelize someone.

Saturday night, I was waiting for a takeout order and had a relatively long conversation with the server at the restaurant. I reached for a tract and told her it was a card about eternal life. She quickly realized what it was and assured me she was a Christian and started describing some outreach her church did. It was really a nice meeting; then she pointed out how some people just stand on a street corner with sign and scream at people, and how that is not an effective witness for Christ.

AWKWARD, since I am an open air preacher. 🙂

I smiled (something I learned is extremely important when contradicting someone or disagreeing), and I told her, “I’m one of those guys, well except for holding the sign.”

She was polite, but it was clear she became uncomfortable. I assured her that there was a [small] group of us who try to do street preaching biblically, but that there is an element of people out there who do seem to get their joy from just yelling at people. The conversation finished, in my estimation, uncomfortably. What had been a friendly casual encounter had turned into awkwardness. Her name was Katie; maybe she will consider that just because the devil has counterfeited one of God’s methods, that doesn’t mean we can’t use that method (street preaching about hell and sin and forgiveness).

I have to admit, I was a bit discouraged. Meeting born again believers is one of my joys in evangelism. Usually, it is very encouraging to me as I often have a chance to challenge others to live out the life bought for them by Christ when they are not, and to provoke them to love and good works, particularly evangelism.

Well, the next evening, I was getting an ice cream for my wife and me (seriously, we don’t eat out that often!), and a lady was in line next to me. Again, feeling awkward about simply speaking to a stranger, I made a joke about sampling ice cream to break the ice then I handed her a tract. I told her it was about Jesus and it was a card my church produced. She was glad to receive it and seemed genuinely touched when I told her we would pray for her if she needed and that she was welcome to visit. Her name was Stacia. Would you pray that God would save her by the Word on the tract?

In conclusion, I need to praise God for allowing me some discomfort Saturday then boosting my spirits with an encouraging meeting Sunday evening. I hope you will allow Him to do wondrous works in your life as well.

Michael Coughlin
Michael’s Blog: michaelcoughlin.net
Also found @ PulpitAndStreets.com

A Testimony!


Sharing your testimony is a great way to witness “as you go”. Every Christian can tell about how they have been gloriously saved by the precious blood of Jesus! I have been sharing my testimony this weekend as while giving out tracts. Twenty years ago, I was involved in the party scene. I thought I was living the good life. I had moved to Shreveport to manage the GNC at Southpark Mall. I had just bought a 1992 Dodge Sport. I was twenty-three at this time. Before this, I managed the GNC at Pecanland Mall in Monroe. In November, my boss asked me if I could transfer to the Shreveport store. I eagerly told him that I could. I was wanting to go up in the company.
I had met a young woman at one of the clubs that I hung out with my friend, Al. We started dating before I moved. She lived in Ruston. I stopped in see her one day when I was going back to West Monroe to visit. She broke up with me that day. The day before New Year’s Eve, she called me to ask us to hold a place for her at the club where we would be at in Monroe. I was going to show her that I could be with someone else! We all got to the bar that night with partying on our minds. I started drinking mixed drinks. Sometime after midnight, I blacked-out. I remember just bits and pieces of what was to happen after that. I remember walking out to my truck. After that, I remember shutting the passenger door to the truck. Then, I was walking on the other side of the bridge down Trenton Street in West Monroe. Then, I was at the door of Al’s apartment. I woke up at 10:00 on New Year’s Day. I told Al that we needed to find my truck. I didn’t know where it was! We drove around looking for it in West Monroe and Monroe. I finally called The Monroe Police Department to ask if they had towed the truck. The woman on the line told me that it had been towed to Master’s Auto Service in Monroe. I went to see it there. The hood and front was crushed in the middle. The owner of the towing company told me that I was fortunate to be alive. I had hit a utility pole on the corner of Pine and Walnut, which was several blocks from the club.
The police had pulled some of my hair from the windshield where I had hit with my head. I had walked about two miles from where I had wrecked. The officer that worked the accident called me at midnight on January 1st to ask me about what had happened. I lied about what I did, but they knew that I had been drinking. I had to go back to Shreveport without transportation. Over the next several months I depended on my parents to come to bring me back home on most weekends. I walked to work sometimes and got a taxi at other times. One day at work, I was talking with a regular customer about some of our products. She and her husband worked for the Shreveport Police Department. We ended up talking about church and Jesus. She asked where I went to church. I told her that I was trying to go back to church. She said “You’re not doing anything! You better come back to Jesus now!”
There had been others who had witnessed to me before, but her words made me to think. I didn’t write the exact date down, but around March the 15th I repented of my sins, asked for forgiveness, and was saved at my apartment in Kingston Village Apartments on Kingston Road! Jesus came into my life! What a change! I got born-again! I told everyone what had happened to me! I couldn’t go back to the clubs anymore! I couldn’t listen to the same music anymore! I didn’t have the desire to drink anymore! I was a changed man! I was able to move back home and get my old job back in April. I started passing out tracts. I went to church whenever I could. I told my testimony everywhere I went. I am still telling it today. I am thankful for every opportunity to share my faith. Let’s tell our testimony to those that need to hear it!

We Still Say Merry Christmas!


This has been a good tract to hand to people lately. When I give it to someone, I’ll say “We still say Merry Christmas around here.” I gave one to a man at the Walmart pharmacy tonight. When I told him about the tract, he mumbled something and threw it on the display. This was the first reject that I have had in a while. Then, I got to give a Spanish tract to Iduarte! For every reject, there are people that will take a tract around the corner! Are you passing out tracts as you shop this Christmas season?


The “Mitsake” Tract


Did you see the mistake in the title of this post? This tract was in November’s tract club mailing. It was written by Tony Miano. I’ve shown it to several people who didn’t find the mistake reading it the first time. It will keep people looking at the numbers until they read the back!



Are You Playing Monopoly At McDonald’s?



At The Walmart Checkout Line


Find a display at any checkout stand to leave someone a tract to read.