
Disc Golf


Went to play disc golf. There was a bulletin board by the first tee. I put two tracts on the board. By the time we finished playing, one of the two tracts had been taken!

Two tracts pinned up

Tips On Using The Million Dollar Bill Tract


I received my order of million dollar bill tracts yesterday from These are great to use in witnessing! I gave out 9 at the grocery store tonight. When I hand these out, Ill say “Have you got one of these yet?” or “Here’s your first million!” At a convenience store, I gave one to a man that worked at Freds and said “Tell Freds to give you a raise!”
When they are in my front pocket, I catch people looking at them. This opens up the door to tell them what it is. When checking out at stores, I ask if they have change. Then, I explain the message and ask the employee to read
It when they get a break. There are so many ways to use the million dollar bill.

My friend, Bro. J.T., called me before church Sunday night to tell me what had happened at a restaurant that evening. He had a trillion dollar bill from Living Waters in his shirt pocket. He was talking to his attorney friend when he told him that his money was sticking out. He told him that it was a tract and gave it to him. Later, his friend came back to him after he paid for his order. He told Bro. J.T. that he had the tract with his money. The woman that was taking his money asked him what it was. He told her what it was and she said that she had a dream about that tract a week ago! The attorney gave it to her!
Try using these tracts if you haven’t yet. Along with the tracts you receive every month from the tract club, they are great ice breakers and conversation starters!



After work on Tuesday, I was going into Walmart. I asked a man with long hair if he had got one of these yet as I offered him the Biggest Gamble tract. He took it and then, gave it back as I tried to talk with him. Rejected! As soon as I turned to go in, I offered a tract to a young man that was working the parking lot. His name was Clifford. He told me that he wasnt saved. We talked briefly before he had to go to the back of the store. I challenged him to read the tract and the Bible before he retired. I went back to Walmart with my family the next night. As we were leaving, we saw him working outside. He was happy to talk with me. He asked for more tracts!!He said that he had 9 brothers and a praying mother. I gave him several more tracts. I pray that next time I see him he will tell me that he has been saved!

Lottery Entry Displays


I am still placing this tract on every lottery display.

Airing Up The Tire


Hey! I found a Bible tract!


I got back to my computer after lunch yesterday and saw this picture posted on Facebook.

I assumed that it was one of the Bezeugen Tract Club members posting about where they left a tract.


When I looked at who had posted it, I realized that they are NOT in the tract club. It was actually a Facebook friend who found the tract at an ATM machine! So someone in the tract club left a tract someplace and one of my Facebook friends found it and posted it on Facebook! That is really encouraging to know that our Bezeugen Tract Club members are out there faithfully sharing the Gospel and distributing the Gospel tracts that we send out each month.

Normally I post about where I leave tracts. This post has a unique twist. That the picture if from the person who found one of our tracts!



When flying on an airplane, you can leave a tract in the seat pocket for the next passenger!



The next person that applies for a job will receive a tract!

Another Car Wash


Rack At The Registers


The magazine racks at the checkouts in any grocery store are always inviting for tracts!