one on one

one on one

As You Go to the mall


I posted an article to the main Bezeugen BLOG that I thought you would find encouraging to include in ways to share the Gospel “as you go”. It includes:

  • giving out a CD
  • offering to buy lunch
  • witnessing on one one with the Bible bookmark
  • baseball trivia
  • got peace
  • …. AND …
  • buying a soul for a dollar
You can read the article on the Bezeugen BLOG.

A mission trip to WalMart


A tract club member, Scott, emailed me this message. I pray that it will encourage you to share the Gospel – As You Go!

I went grocery shopping with my family tonight. We usually have church on Thursdays, but we had it on Tuesday this week because of preparation for a weekend wedding. When we pulled in to the parking lot, we saw our friend Bro. Wayne , Bro. Willard , and two other men that they go to church with. They were preaching and holding signs. Bro.  Wayne and his wife have been preaching in front of Walmart for many years. I have preached there with them a few times before. We preached together at the mall one Christmas. Bro. JJ preached with them a few weeks ago. They said that they are going to be out there every Thursday night. Bro. Willard is also a veteran street preacher. A homosexual ran other him with a motorcycle while he was preaching at a bar several years ago. Please pray that the Lord will bless their efforts.
While in Walmart, I talked to a Spanish couple, Daniel and Dora. They said that they were Christians. I told Daniel about how I have learned some Spanish. I also told him about some of the Spanish music that I listen to. I gave him my work business card. He had an interest in getting some glasses. I pray that I get to talk to them again. I asked Robert if he was saved. He responded that he went to church, but wasn’t doing right. After I has asked him where he would be if he died five seconds ago, he said that he would be in hell. I gave him the tract ( from the Beuzeugen Tract Club ) that  appears in the picture below. I pray that I will see Robert in Heaven ! Have you shared your faith today ?

I came in to give you this tract…


Recently I was meeting a friend at Starbucks. I went inside and ordered some iced tea lemonade. When I paid the cashier I gave her a Gospel tract. I said, “I came in here to give you this Gospel tract, and I figured that I should buy something while I was here!” She thought that was an interesting comment, took the tract and said she would read it.

At the mall


When you go to the shopping mall you can share the Gospel with people you meet. Start by saying hello or asking a simple question in the natural realm. Then swing the conversation to the spiritual. Here is Todd sharing the Gospel with two teenagers.




Share the Gospel “as you go”. When you see a “device” on display, load a

Samsung Galaxy playing the Good Person video

web site like

In this case, we were at the mall sharing the Gospel. Samsung had a booth displaying their Galaxy Tab 10.1 and all the gadgets that go with it. We talked with several of the representatives and shared the Gospel with them. We also pulled up various pages on on the devices to see if they “worked”?




As you go at work


Starting spiritual conversations at work is easy with our Gospel tract mugs. Just carry the mug to a meeting or leave it sit on your desk. Since bringing up God in the workplace can be frowned upon. Let these mugs peak people’s curiosity so that they are the ones bringing it up.


As you drink coffee


With the afterlife mugs available on our zazzle store you can evangelize even at work. Here is my mug by my computer during training at the office.


A phone call


Many of our tracts have our phone number 80-BEZEUGEN on the back. This allows people to call for more information. This evening I had a call from someone who found the tract I had left on a table at a nearby restaurant. The kid was really concerned that the card did not turn green to indicate that he was a good person. I explained that God’s standard of goodness is the Ten Commandments. Then I asked if he had every lied. He said yes and said that makes him a liar. I told him that according to Revelation 21:8 that he and all liars would go to Hell for all eternity. At that there were tears in his voice saying that he did not want to go to Hell. I explained that Jesus had paid for his sin. The kid even quoted John 3:16 to me. I asked him what was keeping him from turning from his sin and putting his trust in Jesus. He said “nothing”. Suddenly he said “oh, I get it now”. The tears in his voice were gone!

Praise God!

Sharing the Gospel with a Mormon on omegle


What do you do when you make a commitment to share the Gospel everyday and then get stuck at home because of the weather? Well, you can share the Gospel online. So that is what I did tonight. I used omegle, where you can talk to strangers! I had about three attempts of talking to different people who disconnected as soon as I mentioned anything spiritual. On the next conversation I decided to simply paste the text of one of my Gosple tracts into the window. So that way I knew the person at least got the Gospel. When I did they asked “what religion are you?” I told them I was a Christian and they told me that they were mormon. I got to share the Gospel with him. He told me that his eternity was based on his own goodness that would send him to one of three kingdoms. Then he later told me it was dependent on Jesus. When I asked him to clarify which it was – his own goodness, or Jesus – he took a long pause, then sent me some LDS information which I assume he copied from someplace. I asked one more question and suddenly they said that they had to go.

University of North Texas


I was at the University of North Texas today. Went to lunch at the sandwich shop. Gave a tract to the cashier. It was a Super Bowl Trivia tract. He said thanks.

After lunch I handed out a few tracts to random people.

I was sitting on a bench reading a book. I had a business card in the book as a book mark. The wind blew and the bookmark flew out onto the sidewalk. As I was picking up the business card, two college students came walking by. So I quickly grabbed a couple Super Bowl Trivia tracts from my pocket and asked if they were going to watch the Super Bowl.

The both said yes.

So we talked about who was going to win and that kind of thing. Both wanted the Packers to win. One because the Steelers had beaten the Jets (who he roots for) and the other just because he liked the Packers more.

So I asked, “do you think anyone will remember who wins this came in 100 years?”

Both said that the fans might care especially the Steelers fans because they have the most championships. So then I asked “where do you think you will be in 100 years.”

Probably Dead – came the reply.

So I asked, “what do you think happens when you die?”

Neither was sure. Turns out one guy was Jewish. The other had some Christian background. But neither believed in Christ at this point in time. We talked about how creation testifies that there is a God. One of them said, “I want to believe, but I don’t want to just say I believe because I know God would know the truth.” Good point! God knows the heart. He was also confused by how there could be so many religions. They talked about how they don’t worry about death, but rather just live for the moment. Drinking and girls and that kind of thing.

Eventually the one guy said that he was a good person. And his friend agreed. So I asked what standard he uses to determine that he is a good person. He said he compared himself to others.

I told him that according to the Bible, God’s standard of goodness is moral perfection – the Ten Commandments. I asked if they knew any of the Ten Commandments.

The first guy named “you shall not steal”. So I asked if he ever had stolen. He said yes. The other guy said no. What does that make you? A thief! The both agreed.

Neither of them could name any of the other commandments. I told them that the ninth is “you shall not lie” and asked if they every had. Yes came the answer. So I asked what that makes them? They said “a liar”. I then reminded them that Revelation 21:8 says that that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire which is hell. At that the first guy used God’s name in vain to express his shock.

I explained t them that adultery is having sex outside of marriage, but Jesus said that to even look with lust is adultery. They tried to explain that everyone does it, it is the culture, etc. But ultimate, they both agreed that they were guilty of breaking the 7th commandment.

So I asked if they would be innocent or guilty.

Guilty! Said the first. Not sure said the second.

The first guy also said he was concerned that his destiny would be Hell!

So I focused on the first guy. He thought he could simply be forgiven. So I took him to a court room example. I said, let’s say you go out with your friends tonight. You get drunk and commit some crime. You stand before the judge and admit your guilt. He would find your guilty and sentence you to a one million dollar fine or prison time. What would happen.

Prison! He said.

So I said, what if someone walked into the court room and told the judge, “I’d like to pay this mans fine” and set down one million dollars on the judges desk. I asked him, “what would happen to you?”

He said, “the judge would let me go!”

Exactly! I then explained to him that that is exactly what Jesus did for him. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life. Being fully God and fully man he was able too. Then he willingly went to the cross to pay for your sins. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead. He defeated sin and death. I told him that the Bible commands all men everywhere to repent. And that if he would turn from his sin and trust in Christ that he would have eternal life.

Unfortunately, at this time, the guy was more interested in his next party and chasing girls. I asked him if he knew when he was going to die. He said no and even said it could be tomorrow. I told him that that is why the Bible says that today is the day of salvation. We never know if we will have tomorrow.

They were both very flippant about forgiveness and that they could just ask for it and receive it and that they still knew that God would know if they falsely confessed faith. I told them that the issue is that they are not truly concerned about their sin and how it separates them from God. I asked them to read the tract and consider what we talked about.

They thanked me for my time and headed on their way. I pray that they will consider these things, repent of their sin and trust Jesus for their salvation!