one on one

one on one

Share Christ this Christmas

Todd sent this suggestion. I wanted to share it with everyone.
Since we are in the Christmas season, please let me share a way that you may share Christ. Simply go to someone, anyone and ask, “Do you know why we celebrate Christmas?” Most will know the answer. Some will pretend as if they don’t because if they are running from God, they won’t want to hear that name. The sweetest name in heaven and on earth, Jesus.
Nevertheless, whether they do or don’t continue by explaining that it is the celebration of the incarnation of God. Then ask if they know why He came to earth.
Regardless of the answer, I will then explain that He came for one purpose, to die for the sins of mankind. Then I will ask them if they know why sin is such a serious offense. The answer is because God is holy. You can then explain the gospel. I promise you that if you will step out in faith and do this, you will be amazed at how God will lead the conversation. This is not hard to do! If we will step out in faith God will work through us and we will be giving the message that can give someone eternal life! You will not believe the joy that comes from sharing your faith in Christ! Romans 1:16.
Luke 2:11″ For unto us is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord!”
Here are 3 aspects of His person.
  1. Savior Jesus, His name literally means salvation. He is the one and only means by which a man’s sin can be forgiven.
  2. Christ, the anointed & appointed one of God. His specific appointment was not in anyway a glamorous one. His assignment was to die for the sins of mankind!
  3. Lord, the declaration is very clear. He is our eternal God. God has become a man for the sole purpose of reconciling sinful man with a Holy God. It is the most amazing of all realities! Praise God!

I encourage you to go out and share Christ this Christmas!

October 14 – a changed life


I handed an NFL Football Trivia tract to a guy and asked if he liked football. He said yes. We proceeded to go through the trivia questions. He missed them all. But he said, he was second guessing himself. Once we got to question five I revealed to him that the there is a Gospel message on the back. At that he started tell me how he was just saved two months ago, baptize one month ago and how his life had been completely changed because of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful time of fellowship to talk with a new believer! I gave him my number and told him he could call anytime.

October 13 – the devil’s holiday


At lunch, I asked the cashier if she liked Halloween and I handed her a great pumpkin tract. She said, “no, that is the devil’s holiday.” We had a short chat about how the card is actually a Gospel tract. She is a born again believer and we had a nice time of fellowship talking about the Lord Jesus for a few minutes.

October 11 – airport


While waiting at the airport, I handed an (NFL) Football Trivia tract to a guy that worked there. He went through each question aloud (and missed every one) including the one about what he and all players have in common. Then he looked at the back and said, “this is interesting, I’ll read the rest of this later!”

October 4 – PT


I was checking in for physical therapy and gave a reject Jesus tract to one of the workers. He said thanks and started to read it. Said he would read the rest after work but thought it was neat.

Day 27 – a goal


This morning when I got up I put 10 tracts in my pocket. Normally on Monday’s I meet up with Craig and some others and go witnessing at the mall. My intent was to have a goal to hand out ten tracts at the mall. When I realized that the weather was perfect for going outside to the West End DART station, I checked with Craig and we decided to go there instead. Setting a goal of ten tracts at the DART station is a bit low.

When we got to the DART station, I got out my Lie Detector. I struck up a number of one on one conversations using it and easily handed out more than the ten tract goal. The amazing thing about the Lie Detector is that people will actually come up to me or call to me to ask “what is that” or “what are you doing” or “can I try that?”

After speaking with a number of people, one of the guys who had seen me using the Lie Detector was talking with another of his friends. The friend was asking what I had and if he could have one of the tracts. I engaged him in conversation. As I asked him about the Ten Commandments, he would answer each question in a general way of “I did a number of things in my youth that I would not be proud of.” Interestingly, he never actually admitted to breaking any of the commandments. Yet, it was obvious that he had. He continued to talk about how good he was, especially since “his youth”. When I asked if he would be innocent or guilty, he said innocent. Turns out the man was a Muslim who was very set in his faith. He was proud in his religion and his own self righteousness. I talked to him about the need to be born again from John 3. He refuted every bit of it and continued to justify himself and say that he did not know how God would judge him even though I had just explained it to him.

I firmly believe the Biblical approach is Law to the proud and grace to the humble. Since this man refused to humble himself, I went to Luke 13:3 where Jesus says “unless you repent you will perish.” I then handed him a True or False tract (which refutes Islam and Mormonism) and walked away. He saw the front of the card that has a picture of the Quran, Bible and Book of Mormon and says “True or False – These three books are basically the same”.

Incidentally, these True False tracts will be in the November mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. If you are not already enrolled, why not enroll today so that you can get some?

He called to me as I walked away saying “I know the answer” and I called back “the answer is false, sir”. As he approached, I share the law and Gospel with him in a fairly loud voice so everyone around could also hear the preaching of God’s Word. This started to escalate with him raising his voice and advancing towards me. I stepped back and he stepped forward. This happened several times. He then quoted to me a surah from the quran claiming that God neither begets or is begotten. I reminded him that I don’t believe the Quran and if he wanted to continue to dialog that I would speak with him from the scripture we both agree on: the Gospels and the books of Moses. I told him that based on Deuteronomy 18, Jesus could not be just a prophet like his religion suggests. At that he took exception to the books of Moses being pure in their current form. I excused myself from the conversation. He politely said good bye. As he walked off, he made some comment about the tract and then engage Craig in a conversation.

Just as I finished speaking with him, I looked up and there was a woman standing behind a tree holding the tree. I apologized to her for raising my voice. But she said, “I enjoyed hearing about Jesus.” I asked if she knew Jesus and she said “I just have a little faith and I am not sure if it is enough.” I had a nice chat with her explaining that the object of ones faith (Jesus) is more important than how much faith one has. She took comfort in that. I quickly shared the Law and Gospel with her. I asked if she had a Bible and she said no. As it turns out I had brought a Bible with me from the car. It is amazing how God ordains these conversations that every time I bring a Bible from the car I meet someone to give it too.

I asked her if she had a church home. She said no, but she was looking. I asked where she lived and she told me. I happened to know a good church near her house. So I wrote the name of the church and pastor in the cover of the Bible.

I thank God for how he orchestrated the whole thing. The conversation with the Muslim lead to engaging with the woman who was truly humble before God and wanted to read His word!

Afterward we went to Sonny Bryans for lunch. Craig has a running thing going with the cashier to give her all of our different tracts. So this time she got a Football Trivia tract!

Day 24 – Brookhaven College


Todd, Stephen and I met at Brookhaven College over lunch time to witness to the kids there. I brought about 60 bottles of water that were handed out with tracts in less than 30 minutes. We also had a number of great one on one conversations. Several of the kids were genuinely ready to repent and receive Christ. We probably handed out over 100 tracts, plus about 30 copied of The Board on DVD and some New Testaments.

Will make a plan to go back soon.

Day 23 – lunch time at the mall


Craig and I met at the mall for lunch. I ate at one of the restaurants in the food court that we don’t normally frequent. That gave me the opportunity to hand tracts to the two people that work there. I gave them “Good Cards“. The woman said, “it didn’t change.” They both read the back and thanked me for giving them the tracts.

We had several great conversations with people at the mall. Alan listened intently as Craig presented the entire Law and Gospel to him. He asked some good questions showing he was engaged in the conversation. We encouraged him to repent and get right with God. I shared a story with him about a boy in our church and son’s school who passed away the other night and reminded Alan that we never know what day will be our last.

A note


Last night while walking through a parking lot I noticed a car had a flat

Note and tract

Note and Tract

tire. I went back to my car, got a piece of paper and wrote a note for the owner. Then I put the note and a tract on their driver side window. This is a simple way to share the Gospel while helping someone out at the same time.

Day 18 – the man with a broken leg


As many of you know, I am training to run a marathon in December. This morning the training plan included a ten mile run. I choose a route that took me along a walking/biking trail for about half the mileage. As I reach about the 8 mile mark on my run, I came across a woman who did not speak much English. She pointed to a man laying the in the grass. I asked if he was ok, but like I said she did not speak much English, so it was not really clear if he was OK or not.

I went to the man and asked him if he was ok. He said he had twisted his ankle and that since he lived close by he thought he could make it home. I asked if I could pray for him and he said yes. We had a short discussion about the Gospel and he confessed that he believed Jesus had died for him and that he had put his trust fully in Christ.

I prayed for him. He was thankful and then started to put his show back on. As he did, we noticed that his ankle was swelling bad. He was in extreme pain just trying to put his shoe on. I told him I would get some ice. So I went up to the street and jogged down to the next intersection where there was a restaurant who gave me a bag of ice for him.

When I got back he was laying in the grass saying that the pain was so bad he did not think he could walk. He asked me to call for help.

I went back up to the street and tried to flag down a car. Amazingly standing in the right hand lane waving my hands wildly, at least ten cars passed before someone stopped. They rolled down their window and I told them I thought a man had a broken leg and asked them to call an ambulance. I went back to the man, whose name is Nelson, and told him that help was on the way.

About a minute later, two police cars were there. Turns out the man that had stopped was also an off duty police officer. It amazes me that no one else had stopped.

Anyway, these men clearly had the situation under control and my wife was expecting me at certain check points. So I told Nelson good bye and finished my run.

Please pray for his healing. Even though I was unable to hand out a tract, the Gospel was shared verbally. Perhaps God will lead you to an opportunity to serve someone today. And in the process you can tell them that you are able to serve them because of what Christ has already done for you.