Monthly Archives: March 2010

Day 23 – The last lucky tract


I think I am finally out of “Are you lucky” tracts. I know I have reported this several times. Since I keep tracts in various pockets of jackets, when I change jackets I sometimes find more tracts. Then I found a stack of Are You Lukcy tracts at our church and handed those out.

Going back to my pack of 30 tracts from this months tract club mailing, I have seven tracts left and none of them are “Are you lucky” tracts! So, I do beleive I am finally out of them.

So what happened to the last one? At breakfast this morning, I left it for the waitress when I paid my bill along with one of the last of the AfterLifeCatalog pens!

Day 22 – Final Four Trivia


How are you doing on handing out tracts from your Bezeugen Tract Club mailing each day? If you are not yet enrolled, you may like to do so online.

Today I went into the store to pick up a couple of snacks. At the check out, I asked the cashier if he was following the NCAA Tournament. He said, “no, not really.” I handed him a Final Four Trivia Tract and said, “this might help gain some interest.”

In hindsight, based on his answer, I might have been better off to give him a different tract.

Today I also left tracts for the cashier / waitresses at breakfast and lunch.

Day 21 – snack bar


I picked up a snack. When I paid the cashier gave me change. So I handed her am “are you lucky” tract and said “here is a gift for you.” She said thanks and took the tract.

How are you doing handing out your monthly supply of tracts? I pray that this blog is an encouragement to hand out tracts as you go. If you need tracts then please enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club

Day 20 – at the mall


I handed out a number of tracts today. After dinner we went to the mall. And I handed out a number of them there. One in particular comes to mind. We were walking through one store and the cashier looke really bored. So I went over and offered her a “are you lucky tract” and said “you look bored, this should help break up the boredom.”. She tool it and immediately began checking it out.

One note of warming. In many malls, if you walk around handing out tracts to the masses they may ask you to stop. On this occassion the mall was busy and we were leaving so I handed out alot of tracts on the way out. For more on mall witnessing see the Bezeugen BLOG.

Day 19 – breakfast


At breakfast at the hotel. I gave “are you lucky” tracts to five other hotel guests that were eating in the breakfast area. Each checked to see if they are lucky and then read the back!

Day 18 – traveling


We were traveling to Oklahoma to visit my mom. At one rest stop I handed a million dollar bill tract to the guy in front of me in line for a rest room and said, “I’ll give you a million dollars for your spot in line.”. He laughed, took the tract and read it while standing in line. I also gave out another five tracts to people who were curious.

I also put a tract on the bulletin board outside of the restaurant.

At dinner I put two “are you lucky” tracts on a mirror at a restaurant.

I got one envelope returned from the March mailing of the tract club. Now I have even more St Patricks tracts to hand out! Please, if you move let us know your new address so we can send your tracts. Or if you no longer want tracts from us let me know that too.

To enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club please visit

Day 17 – Without leaving home


Without leaving home, I was able to share a tract this morning! What? Yes, that is right. I was mailing some paperwork in to take care of some personal business. So I put an “are you lucky” tract in the envelope with the paperwork.

A few nights ago, I did a similar thing with my Census paperwork. After completing the census form, before sealing the envelope, I included a couple of Obama Million Dollar Bills plus our new Crucifix tract in both English and Spanish.

Census form with tracts

Day 16 – Starbucks


I went into Starbucks and ordered a cup of tea. While one employee was fixing my cup of tea I asked the other if they were celebrating St Patrick’s Day? They said no. But, I still asked if they were lucky and handed them an “are you lucky” tract. He immediately put his thumb on the clover to see. Meanwhile the other employee came back with the tea. I asked her the same question. She said she celebrated St Pat’s last year, but was not even sure when it is this year. I told her it is tomorrow and handed her a tract. As I left they were both reading the back of the tracts.

Day 15 – Lucky at Chik-fil-A


We were at the mall eating lunch at Chik-fil-a. I had already ordered and given the cashier a tract. While waiting for my order, another cashier asked if he could help me. I told him, “I’ve already ordered, but you can have one of these” and handed him an “are you lucky” tract. He smiled and said thanks!

The point here is like Peter wrote, “always be prepared.” I could have just as easily said, “no” or something. But by making the most of that couple of seconds, I at least was able to give him a Gospel tract that he could read.

While at the mall, we gave a “Get out of hell free” card to one guy. Later, while talking with some teens, he walked by and asked if he could have some more of them. We, of course, gave him as many as he wanted to go and hand out.

Later we were talking with one of the employees at the Verizon kiosk. We had just gotten to the point in the conversation of explaining that Jesus had paid his fine and handed him a Million Dollar Bill tract. Just then his co-worker came back into the kiosk. So I gave him a Million Dollar Bill tract too. The co-worker sat down and read the entire tract while we were finishing up the conversation with the first guy. Then I asked the second guy, what he thought of the tract. That lead to an opportunity to have a discussion and share the Gospel with him. It was really great to see that people read the tracts we give them!

Day 14 – Pizza Inn


After church, my family and I went to Pizza Inn for lunch. I asked the cashier if she was lucky. She said she was not sure. So I handed her an “are you lucky” tract. She checked it out. As she was looking at it the other cashier and the manager were both interested, so I gave them each one too.

When I hand these tracts out, I like to make people laugh and show them how ridiculous luck is all at the same time. I tell them that although the card says if they are lucky the clover will turn gold, I figure that if they are really lucky a pot of gold will appear. They laugh and it lightens the mood.

Then I like to share that there is no such thing as luck. The ultimate thing is that if they are banking on luck to get to heaven then they really need to read the card.