Monthly Archives: February 2011

Office Max



Went to office max to make copies.  Left an afterlifecatalog pen in the supply draw. Gave another pen to the person working the copy center and a tract to the cashier.




Went to Starbucks and left an AfterLifeCatalog pen on the table.

Sharing the Gospel with a Mormon on omegle


What do you do when you make a commitment to share the Gospel everyday and then get stuck at home because of the weather? Well, you can share the Gospel online. So that is what I did tonight. I used omegle, where you can talk to strangers! I had about three attempts of talking to different people who disconnected as soon as I mentioned anything spiritual. On the next conversation I decided to simply paste the text of one of my Gosple tracts into the window. So that way I knew the person at least got the Gospel. When I did they asked “what religion are you?” I told them I was a Christian and they told me that they were mormon. I got to share the Gospel with him. He told me that his eternity was based on his own goodness that would send him to one of three kingdoms. Then he later told me it was dependent on Jesus. When I asked him to clarify which it was – his own goodness, or Jesus – he took a long pause, then sent me some LDS information which I assume he copied from someplace. I asked one more question and suddenly they said that they had to go.