Monthly Archives: June 2012



We took our children to a fishing derby in Farmerville, La. on Saturday. A man comes up to me and asked if I remembered him. I gave him a Mancard tract at Walmart in West Monroe several months ago. His name is Timothy. I was able to talk to him for about 10 minutes. Please help me pray for him.



After work on Tuesday, I was going into Walmart. I asked a man with long hair if he had got one of these yet as I offered him the Biggest Gamble tract. He took it and then, gave it back as I tried to talk with him. Rejected! As soon as I turned to go in, I offered a tract to a young man that was working the parking lot. His name was Clifford. He told me that he wasnt saved. We talked briefly before he had to go to the back of the store. I challenged him to read the tract and the Bible before he retired. I went back to Walmart with my family the next night. As we were leaving, we saw him working outside. He was happy to talk with me. He asked for more tracts!!He said that he had 9 brothers and a praying mother. I gave him several more tracts. I pray that next time I see him he will tell me that he has been saved!

Lottery Entry Displays


I am still placing this tract on every lottery display.

Airing Up The Tire