Waiting room


You know how the doctors have all those magazine in their lobbies and waiting rooms? Well, why not put a tract in each one while you wait? It’s a great way to pass the time and plant some seeds. You never know who will be blessed by it later.



The airport is an easy place to hand out tracts. Yesterday I was dropping a friend at the airport. I went in with him to help with his bags and wait with him in the security line. I brought a stack of tracts and handed them to everyone I saw. People there were just standing around. So I gave one to each person I saw. They said thanks and read them. And I just moved on to the next person.

Try it next time you are at the airport to pick someone up, drop someone of or even going on a flight yourself. You never know the eternal impact that the tract could have on someone.

Do you need tracts? Get a free monthly shipment of 30 Gospel tracts by enrolling in the Bezeugen Tract Club.

Ring, Ring


Now you can share the gospel everywhere you go by just letting your phone ring a little longer before answering it. Download Living Water’s FREE gospel message ringtone and install it on your phone according to your manufacturerer’s instructions.
The ringtone starts off with three short beeps followed by a short version of the good test, and concluding with Download it for your phone and then pass it on to your friends!

Pizza delivery


Another simple way to share the gospel without leaving home is to give a tract to the pizza delivery guy. I did this again last night!

As you go to the door


I work from home. The door bell rang. There was a Spanish speaking man holding a small flyer stating he does yard work. He points to my lawn – which I guess needs to be mowed. I told him I do it myself. I don’t think he understood any English. So I gave him a Spanish million dollar bill. The other guy in the truck was motioning to ask if they were to get started. The first guy said “he speaks a little English.” I explained to him that I mow the lawn myself and have him a Spanish “why is this man on the cross” tract. He started reading it. I said good day with my best “buenos Dias”.
Two guys received the gospel without even leaving my house!

Business Reply


Here is a simply way to share the Gospel. Save the business reply envelopes that come in the credit card offers and other mail that you get. Periodically, put tracts in each one, seal the envelopes and put them back in the mailbox. Someone will receive the tracts! Who knows what God will do with these seeds that are scattered.


Million for your cart?


Here is an easy way to hand out tracts while being helpful at the same time. I was at Wal-Mart. Someone is about done unloading their cart and putting the groceries in their car. I walk over and say, “I’ll give you a million for your cart” and offer them a million dollar bill tract. They thank me and take the tract. I ask them to read the back and take the cart back to the corral. Might need to plan a couple hours to serve people this way.

Gas station


Business card tracts are perfect for leaving at the gas pump for the next customer!



Ate at Frrebirds. Tract fits nicely in the ad on the table.

Flat tire


At the mall, a car in the parking lot had a flat tire. So I wrote a note telling the owner about the flat tire and left the note and a gospel tract on the car window.