More Hopping With The Hoppy Easter Tract


It’s less than a week to Easter Sunday! The Hoppy Easter tract is one of my favorites. As you can see in earlier post, there are plenty of places to leave this tract. I have been giving these to people as I wish them a Happy Easter.
This is a good ice breaker to tell them the real meaning of Easter. Here are a few places where I have left them lately.






Trip to the store


I went shopping with my wife. Got to share the Gospel one on one with people at the stores at least a dozen times. Plus I got to hand out a number of tracts. Here are some tracting ideas for you.

The Ears are the Best

The Ears are the Best

Do you see the tract left by the display?

Easter Bunny with tract

Easter Bunny with tract

Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter

You can leave a tract in the grocery cart by tucking it into the wire mesh so it won’t blow away!

Tract in Cart

Tract in Cart


Tract Case Idea


For some time now, I have been keeping tracts in a phone case with me everywhere I go. This makes it easy to keep at least 50 tracts on hand to give out or place. I keep a variety in my case. Any regular or smart phone size case should work.



The Hoppy Easter Tract


There are plenty of places to leave the Hoppy Easter tract before Easter Sunday. There are also plenty of people to give these tracts to. Here are a few more places where I have left some.





The Sports Tracts


In April’s mailing are two tracts that have sports themes: Sweet Spot Trivia for baseball and Your Final Four Words for basketball. We placed these out at the video game store in the mall last night. Can you find other places to leave these tracts?



You Have A Text Message!


Get ready for the Texting tract! It will be in the April tract club mailing. This is great to hand out because just about everyone knows about texting. I have gave these to people who were on their phone or text messaging. I gave one to each in a group of 5 young people one day at Walmart. It does well at the mall. After one man took one, he smiled because he could relate to the texting. I pray that he read the message on the back! They can be left anywhere. I like to leave them at the cell phone displays in stores. (The one in the picture was placed on an empty stand in Walmart.)
People text a lot. Pray that those who get this tract will read the text on the back and read the greatest text message of all – the Bible!




Easter at the Mall


I can’t decide if Christmas or Easter is a better time to share the Gospel. I guess both are 65514_10151390998902483_1496702282_ngreat. As Paul wrote to Timothy “in season and out of season.” We were at the mall at lunchtime today. With each person we asked “do you know what the Easter Bunny has to do with Easter?” Some could not care less. Some said no and wanted to know the answer. But, I told them that I did not know either. Then we came across the Easter Bunny booth a the mall. We were just chatting with each other and talking about how we should give a tract to the Easter Bunny. Then the Easter Bunny motioned for me to come over. So I waled over and handed her a Hoppy Easter Tract and asked if we could snap a picture. You’ll see that the Easter Bunny is actually holding up the tract in the picture! I got to share with her and the guy running the booth the true meaning of Easter. Now look below to see a close up shot of the tract!


Going on from the Bunny we came to the ice skating rink. I wish I had gotten a picture, but the Zamboni had rabbit ears and a nose on it and said on the front “Zanbunny”. That of course lead me to strike up a conversation with the guy working at the counter. He was a self proclaimed agnostic. We asked him to consider the truth of the Bible and what would happen if he feel short of God’s standard of perfection. They even had 11 rules of the skating rink posted right there by his cash register and it made a great analogy with the Ten Commandments. I invited him to call us and we’d buy him lunch and talk some more.

We also shared the Gospel using Easter as the segway with a Hindu man. He received a tract and an invitation to join us for a meal to talk more.

Please pray for all those we talked to and that they would repent and believe the Gospel.


For We Wrestle Not……! (Ephesians 6:12)


I couldn’t pass this one up! I was with my two sons in the toy section on Friday night at Walmart! The position of the figure was ideal for holding a tract. I had to put four tracts in the hand to make it work. This gives a new meaning to the old announcement “Are You Ready ….. To Rumble??”.


Easter Is Coming!


Easter is a great time to witness! People need to know the real reason of Easter Sunday! Jesus left the empty tomb to fill our empty hearts! The Hoppy Easter tract was in the club mailing for March. This is one of my favorites. These are real easy to place on Easter displays in the stores. This tract blends in with signs because of the colors. Check out these photos where I left some out.





A Mall + Tracts = Evangelism Adventure!


My family and I went to the mall tonight after work. The first stop was Burlington Coat Factory, where I gave Nathan a Man Card tract. He asked for another to give to his brother. It’s easy to hand out the new texting tract since just about everyone does text messaging. I gave out around 12 of these tonight. A few recipients were on there phones! (Check out the picture from the Best Buy mobile store!) I kept some million dollar bill tracts (from in my front shirt pocket. I believe the whole crew from Raising Cane’s took one when the cashier asked about them. When Chris took one, he talked about wanting to be with his deceased grand-parents in Heaven. I gave a Trivia Del Futbol tract to Santos, who said that he wasn’t a Christian. I left several tracts on the benches, counters, and at the blood pressure machine. I love going to the mall!



