A Mall + Tracts = Evangelism Adventure!

My family and I went to the mall tonight after work. The first stop was Burlington Coat Factory, where I gave Nathan a Man Card tract. He asked for another to give to his brother. It’s easy to hand out the new texting tract since just about everyone does text messaging. I gave out around 12 of these tonight. A few recipients were on there phones! (Check out the picture from the Best Buy mobile store!) I kept some million dollar bill tracts (from onemilliontracts.com) in my front shirt pocket. I believe the whole crew from Raising Cane’s took one when the cashier asked about them. When Chris took one, he talked about wanting to be with his deceased grand-parents in Heaven. I gave a Trivia Del Futbol tract to Santos, who said that he wasn’t a Christian. I left several tracts on the benches, counters, and at the blood pressure machine. I love going to the mall!



