Witnessing at the Ferrari Dealership

The other day my friend and I were driving to go to the mall. As we were driving we came2013-10-26 10.40.06 across an open house at the local Ferrari dealership. We decided to turn around and go look at the cars. And while we were there it was a good opportunity to share the Gospel with people that were also looking at these cars.

After striking up a conversation with someone we’d segway the conversation by asking, “if this car were left to sit here in this field for 250 years, what do you think would happen to it.” Over and over again the person 2013-10-26 11.24.23would say “it would rot” or “nothing would be left of it.”

So then we would ask, whet do you think will happen to you in 250 years from now? They would agree that they would be dead. And then we got to ask “where would you be? Heaven or Hell?”2013-10-26 11.22.33

We had some really good conversations. We got to encourage a couple of believers. And we got to share the Gospel with some who said they had never heard it before!

So make the most of every opportunity. Sometimes simply stopping to look at cars could turn into an opportunity to share the Gospel. And it does not have to be million dollar cars like these, but could be simply to ask someone about their car!