The Everyday Club Report For The Month Of November

Hi Everyday Club Members,

It’s that time again! We welcome your reports on how you did this month. We pray that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I gave out all my Give Thanks tracts. I am thankful that we can share the Gospel with the lost as we go where they go! There are so many opportunities before us to witness. Do you feel the urgency to win the lost? Please let us know how you have done for November. Many of you probably participated in Black Friday evangelism. Your testimonies always encourage us and others! Have a great December. This month will be packed with parades and other Christmas activities where we can be a witness for Jesus! Don’t forget to leave your comments below. Happy witnessing!

All For Souls,

Comments (15)

  1. Steve L.

    Had a pretty good month! Last Dec. I was “perfect!” We’ll see what happens in the days ahead!
    Blessings to all for a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Scott (Post author)

    Thanks, Steve! Have a great time witnessing this Christmas season!

  3. Ryan Muniak

    Fell short for November, but I have some new plans in place for a great December!

  4. Thomas Moore

    November overall was a great month for me! Did several open-airings giving a Thanksgiving Gospel message (gave one on Thanksgiving Day) and got many, many tracts placed out and handed out. It seems like every month I miss a day here, a day there in getting a gospel tract out. December is also going to be a great month as there is a CHRISTmas Parade coming up in our area (have CHRISTmas Cash to hand out along with some Gospel of John’s that have a CHRISTmas theme on the front) and then I have put together a CHRISTmas Gospel message to preach (Lord willing there is one nice warm day that we have this month) with my “Are You Ready?/John 3:36/Wrath & Grace” cross! Looking forward to December and the coming new year in proclaiming the gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit!!!

  5. Scott (Post author)

    There are plenty of opportunities thus month! Thanks for checking in, Ryan!

  6. Scott (Post author)

    Amen, Thomas! How can Christians not witness at Christmastime? People are everywhere the most this time of the year! Have a Merry Christmas!

  7. Carl

    While I did not quite reach my goal to hand out 100 tracts a week, I did manage to share the Gospel every day during the month. Some days were more than others. Some days less. We designed a couple of new tracts for the ministry and I was able to try handing out some of those. My wife and I also did some traveling so we got out of our regular circles and shared the Gospel in Austin (TX), Stillwater (OK), Norman (OK) and a few other places in between those locations and home.

  8. Chris Fox

    Praise The Lord I finally made it! Made sure One person each day last month received a tract, and about 50 received one on Black Friday in line at my local game stop.

  9. Scott (Post author)

    Amen, Chris! I gave out three “Play by The Rules” bookmarks to men that were waiting for the last Ps4s at our GameStop. Have a great month!

  10. Scott (Post author)

    Praise The Lord, Carl! Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!

  11. Steve Patterson

    I did rather well too. I usually put one also inside a Gospel of John and hand both of them out. I leave them with my tip, at gas pumps, cashiers at the store or even restaurant.
    Since it is Christmas, these Gospel of John’s with these tracts inside, I may wrap them up as a present and give them as a gift.
    Thanks and God bless!

  12. Scott (Post author)

    That’s a great way of witnessing, Steve! I’m going to put Christmas tracts in bags with a few peppermints or candy canes for a parade this Saturday. Keep on sowing seeds!

  13. Scott Thompson

    I had a great month! I gave out several of the new Give Thanks tracts. I have been leaving tracts at two laundry mats, where they are being taken. We had great coversations at a bar one night. One highlight is when a man named Craig apologized for heckling us. Please pray for him!

  14. Ed Allen

    I had a pretty good month. My goal is one tract or conversation a day. I think I only missed 2 days. Had a good pre-thanksgiving outreach gave hot food the homeless that stay in underground in Chicago called lower wacker. Gave tracts and a good dinner to about 16. PTL.

  15. Scott (Post author)

    Amen, Ed! Thanks for the great report. We appreciate you checking in!

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