Using The “$1,000,000,000 Eye Test” Tract

Another tract that was in the October tract club mailing is the “$1,000,000,000 Eye Test” tract. This was modified from the first time that it came out. The front asks the question “Would you trade one of your eyes for one million dollars?”. We will be using this one at the State Fair Of Texas Gospel Outreach on Oct. 18 where we will be asking people to take the million dollar eye test. Here’s a dialogue to use when giving out this tract:
“Would you trade one of your eyes for a million dollars?
Person: “I don’t believe I would?”
“What about both eyes for one hundred million? You could see the world!”
Person: “Definitely not!”
“Your eyesight is precious, isn’t it? How much more valuable is your soul?”
Person: “It’s valuable.”
Then, you can transition into taking them through the good person test or ask them to read the back of the tract. This is a great way to get someone to think about their eternal condition…..
As You Go!
