Day 4 – OU outreach

Today we drove to Norman, Ok for an outreach at campus corner before the Oklahoma football game.

The morning started off handing out three Dallas Cowboys trivia tracts at a gas station near home.

At the outreach the team handed out about 4000 tracts.  Brady and Shane also did some open air preaching.

I had a conversation with an atheist / agnostic. He agreed with the recent hawkin quotes about the universe spontaneously happening from nothing. He readily admitted to breaking five of the ten commandments (all of the ones I asked about)  He even swore to a god that he does not believe exists. When I called him on that he wanted to high five. He later agreed it would be better to discuss when he had not been drinking.

I had another good conversation with a college student as I walked to the stadium. He claimed to be a believer and even named Christ as the only way to heaven. However he readily admitted to not following Christ. I encouraged him to surrender his sin to Jesus.

At the stadium while walking to my seat, I was going up the ramps on the east side of the stadium. There must be 15 or so ramps to get up there. Chatting with some of the others that were walking, one guy complained how boring the walk was. So I handed him an OU Football Trivia card. He said, he’d need his glasses. So I offered to read it to him. As we walked we went over each of the questions. Some other people around us also heard the conversation. After question five, about what we all have in common, we discussed Heaven and Hell and I got to share the Law and the Gospel with him. Everyone in the group got a tract!