Day 18: The most important question

Some days it seems like by the end of the day I have not had a chance to witness to anyone. Today is NOT one of those days. I decided to stop for a coffee on my way to work and spend some time catching up on some emails. When I got out of my car, there was a man working in the area. I offered him a “Who do you say that I am?” tract and asked “do you know the answer to this 2015-06-18 08.21.06question that Jesus asks?” He said “no”. Then I asked if he had heard of Jesus. Again, “no”. I had a brief time to share with him. Then he excused himself and had to get to work. I encouraged him to read the tract!

As I walked up to the Starbucks there was a young lady sitting at one of the tables outside. I asked “excuse me, can I ask you a quick question?” She said yes. So I said, “do you know what happens after YOLO?” and handed her a YOLO tract from the June mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. She took it and we had a brief conversation. I explained to her that that the Bible says “it is appointed once to die and then the judgement… and that is what happens after YOLO!”

Inside at Starbucks, I asked three employees the most important question and gave them each “who do you say that I am tracts.” They all professed to be believers in Jesus and that He is their Lord and savior. I praised God and asked them to share the tracts with someone who needs to hear the Gospel.

Comment (1)

  1. Jason

    Well done! I’m encouraged. Thank you.

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