Day 150922: Choose your gift

I decided to try something fun today. I posted a picture on Facebook of four tracts from the September mailing of the Bezeugen 2015-09-22 06.34.12tract Club and asked people to pick which one I should hand out. I got a couple of responses, but not until after my wife and I decided to go to a convenience store to purchase a drink of water. While we were there they had ice cream so I decided to have one! At the check out there were two cashiers. I think one was in training. I took the four tracts along with a fifth that will be in the November mailing and laid them out in front of the cashiers. I said, “I have a gift for yuo. You can pick which ever one of these you’d like.” She picked the cancer awareness saying that it was a really important message. He picked play by the rules. I quickly explained that they both are the same – based on the message on the back. They thanked me and we returned to the park to pick up our son from Cross Country practice.

At the park I checked the Facebook posts and there were comments to hand out a play by the rules. Done! But there was also a comment to hand out a Camo Card. So I went up to a guy in the park and said, “have you got your camo card?” He said no and I handed him one. This part is kind of funny, and nothing bad is meant by it, but a new tract we have is called the “MyCard”. You’ll see it in the November mailing of the Bezeugen tract Club. I jokingly hand it to people as if it is my business card. So after handing him the camo card, I looked at his girlfriend and said, “here is MyCard”. She laughed, took it and said thanks!