Successful at the grocery store

I got to go to the grocery store with my wife. While walking down an aisle in the frozen foods, I realized that they had put these nice tract holders right on the doors to the frozen food.


I had about a dozen tracts in my pocket when we got to the store. While I was walking around near the beer at an end cap, an employee came up to me and asked if I needed anything. I handed him our newest “Where will you be 100 years from now” tract that is coming to the Bezeugen Tract Club in February. He and I had a short conversation. He was talking about either being up there or down there, pointing up and down and talking about God. Before we got too far, another customer came and he needed to help them.

I put some tracts in the six packs of beer and the twleve backs of soda. Since I was low on tracts (wearing a different jacket then normal one which has lots in the pockets) I saved the last one for the cashier. He said I’d already given him the same tract before.