A new Million Dollar Bill tract

By now we have seen hundreds of different Million Dollar Bill tracts.

tri-fold million

As we hand them out people laugh and ask is it real. Most of the tracts are very similar except that they have different characters on the front.

Recently, Daniel Beaudoin made a Million Dollar Bill tract that is unique. It looks like a million dollar bill. Yet it is a tri-fold! This allows it to use a larger font and contain a longer Gospel message. I was able to get in on the initial printing of these bills.

As I left the house to go meet my wife for lunch, the postman was bringing the box of tracts up to my house. I put the box inside and opened it up and took a few of the tracts with me. I gave a couple of them out at Qdoba and then left one in the information holder on the way out of the restaurant.

Daniel may be doing a future run of these tracts. To see what the tract looks like see these pictures. To order from him you can reach him through Norcal Seed Sowers.

Comment (1)

  1. Tall Tim

    Great stuff, thanks for sharing!


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