Bike riding

A number of you who follow this blog know that I like to go bike riding. Sometimes when I ride I get to talk to people. Either they are other bike riders or they might be driving their car, have the window down and we get to chat at a stop light or something.

I’ve been asked if I use those opportunities to hand out tracts. Sadly, no, I had not.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have shared the Gospel one on one in these settings. But I don’t normally have tracts with me when I ride my bike.

Today was different. As I was leaving home I grabbed a few tracts and brought them with me.

At mile five I pulled up to a light next to a guy in a Jeep who had the top down. “Did you get one of these?”, I asked as I handed him a get out of hell free card. He took it. We chatted for a second. Then he was able to turn right on red and was gone.

I’ll news to get something to put some tracts in as carrying them was a bit of a trick. But this looks to be another viable way to share the Gospel “as you go.”