A new restaurant

My wife and I tried out a new restaurant in town. The food was good. And the tables have little tract holders right on them!!

Tract Holder on table

Many times I post pictures like this. I don’t want to give the impression that I only leave the tracts on the table, window sill or whatever. At this particular lunch, I gave a tract to the cashier, another to the woman who brought our food out and another to the one who bused the table. So in addition to the one I left here on the table, there were at least three more given out in person.

The other day, I texted a friend while I was out at lunch and told him about a person I had met. He texted back and asked “did you witness to him?” I texted back and said “am I breathing? :-)” The point is, we should witness to everyone we meet. The goal of this BLOG is to share some simple ways to do that. Use the tracts to break the ice. Encourage people to read them even if there is not time to have a conversation at the time.