Scott’s evening

I got this email from Scott, a member of our tract club. This really demonstrates what we mean by “as you go”. Please read how Scott was able to witness to a number of people in one evening while “he went to dinner”, “went to the mall” and “went to wal-mart”

We have church on Thursday nights. Wednesday is open unless we are preaching out or going to jail ministry.
We went to eat at our local mall tonight. While waiting for refills at Raising Cane, I talked with a young man named Brandon. I offered him an “Are You Ready?” tract. He didn’t want to take it because of the tombstone on it. I gave him the “Get Out Of Hell Free” card while asking if he was going to Heaven. He said that he heard that you should repent before you die. I told him that he could know that he could be saved by repenting and putting his trust in Jesus. I asked if he had a Bible. After he said that he did, I challenged him to go home and read it. I saw Rashon when I took my sons to Gamestop ( where he works ) to look at DS games. We would see him at a bar called Top Gun where we preached before it closed down.

Before leaving the mall, I met Willie. He seemed confident that he was saved. I hope he isn’t a false convert. I gave him a tract and the web address for the blog.
We picked up a few things at Walmart. As we were leaving, I gave three “Get Out Of Hell Free” cards to two male Walmart employees and a woman who were sitting in the foyer. I love witnessing!

Thanks, Scott, for sharing!