Walmart At Lunchtime

Hi. My name is Scott. I have been a Christian for almost 19 years. I am an evangelism blogger, Sunday School teacher, song leader, and street preacher. I am honored to post on the
As You Go blog. I pray that you find my entries encouraging.
I love to share my faith! I have been a member of the Bezuegen Tract Club since last year after finding it through Steve Sanchezs blog, Stone the Preacher.It is so easy to give out these tracts.
Today at lunch, I went to Walmart. If you are looking for someone to witness to, Walmart is full of people! I ordered the Mancard from , where the tracts for the Bezeugen Tract Club are made. As I went through the store, I asked three men if they has received their mancard. I gave one
to Ray, Alonzo, and Riley. I explained that there was a gospel message on the back. As I left, I gave a Are You Good? We should talk. tract to Tremaine. Please pray for these men to be saved!