$1,000,000 Bill


I have given these to two McDonalds employees, a Sonic car-hop, and the woman at the Starbucks window this morning when I got a Blackeye!

Breakfast At McDonald’s


I gave out six Mancard tracts at McDonald’s this morning!

  • As You Go to the Mall


    We went to the mall at lunch today. We are doing a study of the School of Biblical Evangelism and then using some time to walk around the mall (and share the Gospel). This week we were on lessons 29&30 in the material which are on the use of Gospel tracts.

    At the mall, it can be challenging to share the Gospel because in many places the malls have posted signs that you can not distribute literature. So, Wally suggested that we make a tract which is a blank card – blank on both sides.

    I decided to just cut up some card stock and bring it along so we could try it. We had about ten cards. There were five of us. We each took one and gave the extras to Wally since it was his idea.

    I handed the first white card to a guy a the Vonage booth. Got some strange looks as he looked at both sides and realized it is blank. Finally he asked “what is it?”

    We would explain that “this card contains all of the things you have done to help you earn your way to Heaven.”

    He got a big smile and agreed that there is “nothing I can do.” He is a Christian and we shared a few minutes of fellowship.

    Bill and I walked over to the T-mobile store. There we talked with one of the associates about their cell plans. Finally, Bill handed him the blank card. Again, he looked at it on both sides. But when we asked what he thought it took to get to Heaven he was unsure. I asked if he had considered the Bible and he said no. Actually, he did not even have a Bible. So I handed him a Bible and the Bible bookmark. I took a couple minutes to explain how to use the bookmark. He thanked us and said he would read it.

    We figure the blank paper tract is inexpensive to make and also we can not be accused of handing out literature. If anything, we figure we could explain that the card if for people to write down their shopping list so that they can shop more!

    All in all, the idea is a success. Will try it again!



    Sometimes “as you go” means you have to actually go somewhere. Other times “as you go” simply means “as you go outside”. The city is replacing the alley behind our house. It has been fun to watch them take the old concrete out and put the new in. This afternoon while watching the activities, I gave Spanish tracts to two of the workers. Neither of us could speak the others language. But the tract can speak to them!

    Walmart – Video Game Department


    $1,000,000 Pesos


    I ordered the $1,000,000 pesos from . I was able to hand out 6 yesterday. My wife sent me to Super One for avocados. While I was there, I saw Thomas and Alejandra. I had met them over a year ago. They got a tract from me then, also. At Walmart after work, I talked to Pablo and Elmer. They were passing through from Atlanta. My family and I went back to
    Walmart after dinner. I saw Juan and Guillermo in the back of
    the store. I met Juan several years ago. Both received a $1,000,000 Peso!

    Walmart At Lunchtime


    Hi. My name is Scott. I have been a Christian for almost 19 years. I am an evangelism blogger, Sunday School teacher, song leader, and street preacher. I am honored to post on the
    As You Go blog. I pray that you find my entries encouraging.
    I love to share my faith! I have been a member of the Bezuegen Tract Club since last year after finding it through Steve Sanchezs blog, Stone the Preacher.It is so easy to give out these tracts.
    Today at lunch, I went to Walmart. If you are looking for someone to witness to, Walmart is full of people! I ordered the Mancard from , where the tracts for the Bezeugen Tract Club are made. As I went through the store, I asked three men if they has received their mancard. I gave one
    to Ray, Alonzo, and Riley. I explained that there was a gospel message on the back. As I left, I gave a Are You Good? We should talk. tract to Tremaine. Please pray for these men to be saved!

    Gas station


    An easy place to leave a tract is in the credit card slot of the gas pump at the gas station.

    Tract in Credit Card slot



    The package of CapriSun is a good place to leave a tract.

    Slip into the plastic wrapper!

    Scott’s evening


    I got this email from Scott, a member of our tract club. This really demonstrates what we mean by “as you go”. Please read how Scott was able to witness to a number of people in one evening while “he went to dinner”, “went to the mall” and “went to wal-mart”

    We have church on Thursday nights. Wednesday is open unless we are preaching out or going to jail ministry.
    We went to eat at our local mall tonight. While waiting for refills at Raising Cane, I talked with a young man named Brandon. I offered him an “Are You Ready?” tract. He didn’t want to take it because of the tombstone on it. I gave him the “Get Out Of Hell Free” card while asking if he was going to Heaven. He said that he heard that you should repent before you die. I told him that he could know that he could be saved by repenting and putting his trust in Jesus. I asked if he had a Bible. After he said that he did, I challenged him to go home and read it. I saw Rashon when I took my sons to Gamestop ( where he works ) to look at DS games. We would see him at a bar called Top Gun where we preached before it closed down.

    Before leaving the mall, I met Willie. He seemed confident that he was saved. I hope he isn’t a false convert. I gave him a tract and the web address for the blog.
    We picked up a few things at Walmart. As we were leaving, I gave three “Get Out Of Hell Free” cards to two male Walmart employees and a woman who were sitting in the foyer. I love witnessing!

    Thanks, Scott, for sharing!