Day 150730: Thank You


What? I know what you are thinking… The Thank You tract was not in the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club! You are right! But, July has 31 days. I have one tract left for two days. So I am skipping the daily tract club tract, and handed a cashier the Thank You tract since she graciously gave me a 10% discount!

Tune in tomorrow for the 30th tract of July!

Today’s Tract Challenge In Action 



Daily Tract Challenge -7/30/15


Leave a tract at a redbox. It can be placed at the card slot or on the screen.  


Day 150729: At the gas pump


I stopped to complete the #DailyTractChallenge at the local gas station. I broadcast it on Periscope. Then I put the last Two Cars Crashing tract from the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club into another pump next to me.

2015-07-29 06.32.07

Daily Tract Challenge – 7/29/2015


This is real easy to do. Slide the tract into the card slot for the next person!   

Day 150728: Periscope


CaptureBezeugen Ministries is pleased to announce that we are now on Periscope! We have done several short broadcasts already. Today I broadcast in the morning announcing the daily tract challenge, that I had three tracts left for the month. Then in the evening I broadcast again showing the distribution of one of those three tracts – placing a two cars crashing tract into a case of beer. You can download Periscope for the iPhone or Android device and then follow @bezeugen for more updates.

I also completed the daily tract challenge by placing a tract onto this thank you balloon. The #DailyTractChallenge was to put a tract in a unique place!

2015-07-28 20.43.09


Day 150727: In the stairwell


Jesus said “as you go” make disciples. I take that literally. Our seminar teaches people how to share the Gospel “as you go” to work, “as you go” to school, “as you go” to the store, etc. You get the idea.

At work I takes the stairs to the fifth floor. At least once a day. Depends if I have a chance to go for a walk during the day, or out to lunch. Sometimes during the day I’ll pass someone on the stairs going the other direction. And there are some others who will generally take the stairs. But, let’s say at 7AM when I typically arrive at the office, it is generally not crowded at all. As I approached the top flights of the stairs I could hear some voices.

When I reached the fifth floor, two workmen were there about to go up onto the roof and then onto the platform used – as they are painting the building. I said a quick hello to them and then said, “Are you doing today what you were created to do?” and I handed one of them the tract with that question on it. Since I only had brought one of those tracts, I handed the other a Get Out of Hell Free card. We had a brief conversation and I explained to them that no matter what job we have we can do it to the glory of God – once we know Jesus!

I had several other opportunities to share the Gospel. Craig and I met for lunch and witnessing at one of our local favorite fishing holes – Grapevine Mills Mall. When ordering lunch, I gave a tract to the cashier. I could not recall which tract I had given him last week. So I asked. He remembered it was the 2+2=, and then I let him pick from the supply I had in my hand.

The gentleman that I had given the Truth May Impact Your Opinion book, the week before had read part of the book. We had a very brief follow-up conversation with him before a customer came. So I’ll check back with him next week.

We had several other good one on one conversations.

Update: July 31
Going into the office this morning I found the two tracts shoved into the faucet handle of the fire system. I guess they must not have liked them.

Day 150726: railing


We went for dinner at Chipotle. There

was a long line behind us. So I thought it would be fun to leave a tract on the railing and see if anyone would read it or take it. I left a two cars crashing tract. No one took it but several looked at it.

Also gave a Thank You tract to the cashier and left an Are You a Good Person tract near the soda machine.

Day 150725: Two cars crash


I went to the gas station to hand out a couple of tracts. Filled my car up while I was there. I left a Get Out of Hell Free card in the credit card slot of the pump. Whoops! Did you catch that? That Get Out of Hell Free card is not a tract from the July mailing!

I went inside with my son to refill our #Sodapalooza cups. On the way out a young man was getting into his car. I walked up to him and handed him a Two Cars Crashing tract and said, “excuse me, here is an interesting question for you.” He read it, looked at the picture and said, “I guess both drivers died.” So what happens next. I encouraged him to read it!

Later in the afternoon I took my son to see a movie. At the theater I gave “Thank You” tract to all the employees that I came in contact with!

Want to share the Gospel Everyday? You can get 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month by enrolling in the Bezeugen Tract Club.

Day 150724: VW


Any time mail goes out from my house it includes a Gospel tract. It’s a great way to share the Gospel with whomever receives the mail. Whether its a bill, shipment for something sold, a letter, etc. It’s a simple way to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Today I made my first payment to Volkswagen. Sent a “Created to Do” tract with it which features a repurposed old VW Bug!2015-07-24 06.04.38